i'm here. fire lives on the prairie. again. alright. i have it. that man. is. a. bone! a bone. right? what is the word for beautiful? you go for water? let us take you. how did you get your name? i would not think so. show me where you hit her. why are you not married? i'm sorry. let me help. i want to know about stands with a fist. there is no man with her. i do not understand "mourning". crying for who? how long will she cry? i know. stone calf told me. yes. nothin'. okay. don't do that! stone calf. i follow you. stone calf. wait. i have guns. many far-shooting guns. guns would make one warrior like two. i will take smiles a lot. wait. i would hide in the village. i would let the enemy think we are asleep. let him come close. then we would shoot together and run to fight them, drive them into the river and kill so many that they would never trouble us again. it was hard to know how to feel. i had never been in a battle like this one. this had not been a fight for territory or riches or to make men free. this battle had no ego. it had been fought to preserve the food stores that would see us through winter, to protect the lives of women and children and loved ones only a few feet away. i felt a pride i had never felt before. i shot this one. i had never really known who john dunbar was. perhaps because the name itself had no meaning. but as i heard my sioux name being called over and over, i knew for the first time who i really was. i am tired. and horse back already has a good rifle of mine. thank you. goodnight. to who? she's in mourning. he did? kicking bird told me to wait. what do i do? i have the buckskin. do you think the buckskin is too much medicine? i thought we had been discreet but apparently we fooled no one. wind in his hair said if the match was acccepted the ponies would be gone in the morning. i didn't know that. and for me. i had never been married before. i don't know if all grooms have the same experience. but as kicking bird began to speak about what was expected of a sioux husband, my mind began to swim in a way that shut out everything but her. the tiny details of her costume. the contours of her shape. the light in her eyes. the smallness of her feet. i knew that the love between us would be served. yes. oh. good. thank you. goodbye. it's good to be out. we are trying for a baby. no waiting. it's quiet. we must wait for these people. you have asked me many times about the white people. you always ask how many more are coming. there will be a lot my friend. more than can be counted. like the stars. it makes me afraid for all the sioux. no, there is nothing for me there. stands with a fist. wait. the words in the book are like a trail for people to follow. it tells everything about my life here. i must get it. i will catch up. you killed him. i speak english. lieutenant john. j. dunbar. this is my post. i came out from fort hays last april. but there was no one here. my journal is on the bunk in my quarters. my orders are in the journal. it will tell you everything. dunbar. d.u.n.b.a.r. john. did you read my orders? it was in my journal. i have to relieve myself. what is the army doing out here? there are no hostiles. what conduct? there is nothing for you to do out here. i am dances with wolves. i am dances with wolves. i have nothing to say to you. you are not worth talking to. we go south? you have nothing to say? what ever is on your mind. killing the soldiers at the river was a good thing. it made me free and my heart was big to see my friends coming to help me. i did not mind killing those men. i was glad to do it. but the soldiers hate me now like they hate no other. i am more than an enemy to them, i am a traitor. they will hunt for me. they will not give up. and when they find me they find you and that cannot happen. no, we are happy. i have talked with stands with a fist and we will go together. that does not surprise me. yes? i don't know, i haven't tried it yet. i'm told it smokes well. you were the first man i ever wanted to be like. i will not forget you.