several children are playing close-by as stands with a fist works over a staked-out hide, scraping away the excess flesh. though her arms are lined with scabs her work is methodical and unforced. she seems recovered. stands with a fist rushes past black shawl, her face covered with tears. now kicking bird comes out. black shawl looks at kicking bird, his face is not happy. the escorts dismount and so does the lieutenant. smiles a lot suddenly comes forward and grasps cisco's reins. there's a brief tug of war. but before it gets out of hand, kicking bird is reassuring dunbar with calm words and a smile, with the lieutenant watching, the boy takes cisco's muzzle between his hands and blows breath into each nostril. he too gives dunbar a reassuring smile. dunbar is sitting on cisco. it's plain he's been waiting for someone. the ponies are gone. the village is about ready to move, just a few last minute flurries of activity.