an antelope skeleton is being pulled from the muck. a distinct change has taken place with the water. it's running. comfortable with his nakedness, dunbar is meandering along the stream in no particular hurry. he's very white. his skin practically sparkles in the sun. dunbar is sitting naked in the shallow river below the fort. he has worked up a good lather on his face and is shaving. the big navy revolver and his gunbelt are slung over his shoulder. dunbar glances at the far bluff. stands with a fist is tearing through the thick willows growing alongside the river. she's crying her heart out. the big cry is over, but stands with a fist is still sniffling as she emerges on a little patch of beach-next to the river. she sits herself down under a cottonwood and looks hollowly at the surface of the water in front of her. stands with a fist is still in shock. the drumming in the village is very loud now. she rises unsteadily to her feet and starts back to camp. stands with a fist draws water into a set of bladder bags. dances with wolves squats next to her, staring at the eddying stream. dances with wolves kneels by the river, splashing water lightly on his battered face. half a dozen soldiers are lounging around watching him. elgin and a soldier are leading the way. they're only a few yards from the opposite bank when the lieutenant is taken. elgin is completely surprised to find an arrow buried in his chest. the two soldiers in the back of the wagon have turned tail and are splashing back across the river. in the midst of the smoke and confusion of the battle, bauer has made his way to the cover of the weeds along the river bank. still in chains, dances with wolves and wind in his hair are dragging elgin's body onto shore. dances with wolves rifles through the dead man's pockets. he finds a set of keys and plops down to unlock his shackles. a warrior is stripping down spivey. he holds up the dead man's tunic, but doesn't notice that something plops out. the journal continues its downstream journey. suddenly a small hand reaches down and scoops it out of the water. the party is mounting. smiles a lot rides up next to dances with wolves.