yes. it is good. the grass is rich. the game is plenty and not running away. i was thinking of a dance. yes. i have seen such a sign. i saw a man, a white man. just one. he was naked. i saw his sex. no. he might be a god or he might be a special chief -- that's why we are thinking of having a talk with him. you are right, we need meat today and tomorrow. but we must also have meat in ten years. but the whites are coming. our friends the shoshone and the kiowa, even our enemies, agree on this -- the whites are coming. more than can be counted. wind in his hair has spoken straight, his words are strong and i have heard them. it's true the whites are a poor race and it's hard to understand them. but when i see one white man alone, without fear in our country, i do not think he is lost. i think he may have medicine. i see someone who might speak for all the white people who are coming. i think this is a person with which treaties might be struck. the soldier did not come to fight -- he is going away and we will let him. buffalo. buffalo. have you seen any buffalo? stands with a fist. we will talk awhile. your wounds are healing well? you are happy here, with my family? perhaps you will marry again when the time is right. we have word from many places that the whites are. they are coming into everyone's country. they will soon be in ours i think. this white man who lives at the old soldier fort, the one who calls himself loo ten tant. i have visited him and i believe his heart is a good one. he knows things about the whites which we do not. he is only one man. every warrior in camp would fight them if they tried. i cannot make the white man talk. loo ten tant does not know sioux. you have a certain medicine which no other sioux -- man or woman -- has. i do not ask this for myself. i ask this for all our people. i want you to try and remember the the word. you don't want to know. perhaps i am asking too much. buffalo? the buffalo have come. loo ten tant. where is loo ten tant? does it scratch the skin? yes, he is special. he should have a real name. i know. we were waiting for you. welcome. it is good that you are here. ask him why he is at the soldier fort. what does he say? ahhh. he's right. i'm sorry. keep on with the white man talk if it pleases you. i don't know. something has happened? well what? with who? are you certain of this? what are people saying? they're not angry? i suppose i will be the one to say something. stands with a fist. you are no longer a widow. this is a good day for me. stands with a fist. if you want this man, take his hand in yours. have you heard all that i have said? good, then take her inside. she is your wife. dances with wolves, are you in there? i am riding today to a far away place. it is a place i haven't seen for a long time. a sacred place. i would like you to come with me. yes it must be. no waiting? i was just thinking that of all the trails in this life, there is one that matters more than all the others. it is the trail of a true human being. i think you are on this trail and it is good to see. it is said that all the animals were born here. that from here they spread over the prairies to feed all the people. even our enemies say this is a sacred place. no, they've been gone a week maybe more. we will water the horses and go home. help me to know how many. we cannot wait for you. something has happened. dances with wolves is not coming. pick two good men with fast ponies and send them back to the soldier fort. you've finished your pipe? how does it smoke? it doesn't seem possible that we could come this far.