far. forty or fifty miles, maybe. what's the big hurry on sedgewick? you ain't hard to please, i'll say that. look yonder. somebody back east is sayin'. "why don't he write?" stupid bastard. somethin' dead. might stay clear of whatever did the killin'. can't figger the stinkin' buffalo. sometimes you don't see 'em for days, sometimes they're thick as curls on a whore. goddamn indians you'd jus' as soon not see, lessen the bastards're dead. nothing but thieves and beggars. not what you'd call a going concern. ain't nothin' here lieutenant. everybody's run off. or got kilt. what, and leave it all here? there ain't nothin' here lieutenant. so things bein' the way they are we might as well turn around and get started back. this is my. are you crazy boy? well. i'll let 'em know where you are. good luck lieutenant.