i do not care for this talk about a white man. whatever kind of white man he is, he is not sioux and that makes him less. we've camped here for ten days now and each day our scouts find nothing. one old bull with wolves tearing him apart, nothing more. we need meat -- not talk. kicking bird is always looking ahead and that is good. but when i hear that more whites are coming -- more than can be counted i want to laugh. we took a hundred horses from these people, there was no honor in it. they don't ride well, they don't shoot well, they're dirty. they have no women, no children. they could not even make it through one winter in our country. and these people are said to flourish? i think they will all be dead in ten years. i think this white man is probably lost. this white man cannot cover our lodges, or string our bows, or feed our children. i will take some good men. there are many here tonight. we will ride to the soldier fort, we will shoot some arrows into this white man. if he truly has medicine he will not be hurt. if he has no medicine he will be dead. i am wind in his hair. do you not see that i am not afraid of you?. do you see? you are not welcome here. go away from us. go away from us. go now. if this council decides to talk with the man at the soldier fort then it will be so. but in my mind it is not right that a sioux chief, a chief as great as ten bears, goes to ask the business of a puny, trespassing white man. a white soldier who has only a smart horse and a few white man clothes. his mind is gone. one more. eat. that hat belongs to my friend here. you can see that he wants it now. we all know that is a soldier hat. we all know who wears it. if you want to keep it that's alright. but give something for it. good trade. i ate him. i traded for it. a little. but do you see how good it looks. everyone says it looks good. everyone. not everyone thinks it is a good idea that he is here. kicking bird has business with the white man. let him do it. there is gambling tonight. at horse back's lodge. horse back's games are always good. there's talk that you want to get married. that's the one isn't it? she has been released. kicking bird did it. what are you doing? you might be waiting a long time. smiles a lot says he saw kicking bird riding on the prairie. he says he was talking to himself. when a medicine man is the last to know he can take it pretty hard. you are pretty poor my friend and a sioux girl is not for free. i don't know if you can get married. that's too much medicine. maybe we can help you. wait here for us. turn around. pretty good. you know, the man she mourned for was my best friend. he was a good man. it's been hard for me. i am not the thinker kicking bird is. but i think he went away from her because you were coming. that is how i see it now. he must have trouble. you will hold our horses. nothing more. we will ride south for two days. then turn east. no one must follow. dances with wolves. i am wind in his hair. can you not see that i am your friend? can you not see that you will always be my friend? dances with wolves. dances with wolves.