i know, sir, but i can't make it at nine-thirty. it's - um - well, inconvenient. yes, sir. i understand. yes. but, i've done fine so far without an assistant. but. but i. i. nine-thirty. yes. good evening, sir. germs, sir. these places are full of them. what about thompson, sir? wasnt this his case? shes getting better, thanks. she. a real shame. dammit! dont ever sneak up on me like that! who are you? i didnt requisition a secretary. good. fine. what? i dont drink coffee. a cup of tea would be good. milk and no sugar. these are the investigations of a madman. he has fabricated an entire bizarre paranoid delusion with no internal logic whatever. this is a mess. a horrible mess. its the second time now. look at this! you typed this report? wrong? look at this! fine? look here! how can i submit this? do you wash your hands before you type things? well be more careful, please. a formality. i need to speak with thompson. officially i need your written permission. a hunch. he might be able to. its extremely important to my investigation. actually, i was wondering, sir, if you could let me have a few uniforms, to follow up for me. lost something? how long have you been here? spinning backwards? i want prints over here. hold it! police. nobody move. shut up! everybody stay calm. what's that? dammit! i'm curious? how many so far? the six year old. sure, you remember. you sure have demonstrated a great deal of. imagination. the baby was the best though. several cops lost their lunch over that one. head twisted off, spine pulled out, yeech. we count seven so far. anyone we missed? what is it, crenshaw? dammit. very efficient, as usual, crenshaw. remind me to give you my watch. it needs fixing. shut-up. gesundheit! get out. wait here. bumstead. i'm here to see my mother. what's he doing here? i know it's his doctor. i need the file on. daniel paul schreber m.d. doctor! what brings you here? really? and how is his state of mind? you seem a little edgy. everything okay? to tell you the truth, i'm glad we've run into each other like this. maybe you can help me tidy some loose ends. this is highly irregular. i have a right to know. i see. he's been a little angel. yes, sir. i'm sorry. but i don't understand how it was possible. the only window was twenty feet up a vertical wall, he was cuffed. yes, sir. i'm on the serial killer case, need to talk. you don't look so well. c'mon, let me in thompson. what? who has? what is going on? jesus! we have to get you to a doctor. but. how long has this been happening? the other one? jesus. small world. where's the photographer? how will we interrogate them? it's alright. i won't hurt you. who is it? put it through. this is bumstead. who is this? i need everything on the jonathan white case. all the important stuff. wrap it up for me. please - i'm in a hurry. why give yourself up? that was a pretty good escape act at the station. how did you do that? who? why are they after you? don't know much, do you? please. not that way. if you could just follow the covering - the carpet gets stained and it's impossible to clean. everything the department knows about john white is in this. here. excuse me for a moment. that stuff helpful? you're case has been driving me crazy. you see, i pride myself on being thorough. there's too many loose ends with your case. thought it was best you were hidden until we understand more about the facts. what do you know about these men in black? here. careful with your trousers. that stuff stains. here. any idea what part the doctor plays in this business? let's try and find out, shall we. lace is untied. i didn't tell you the entire reason i helped you. it started with two little girls. twins. used to play with them when i was young. couldn't remember for the life of me what they looked like, then i understood why. they didn't have faces. that's right. just seamless flesh across the front of their heads. no mistake. i just hadn't remembered it that way. up until then they had been normal little girls in my memory. that's not all. once i started examining them, all sorts of things about my life, had. inconsistencies. it was like a game. i would think about a person or a place, or an event. then i would turn the lights off. sit down in a comfortable chair. and study each detail of this subject. everything was liquid beneath a thin surface that had always seemed solid to me. is there anything you haven't told me about this business? even the most insignificant thing? go on. why, that's ridiculous. you just. we'll get to the bottom of this. i mean it. i met a friend of yours the other night, doctor. tall fellow. no hair. rather pale skin. that's surprising. he was leaving your office at the time. i think it's time you introduced us to your little friends. just like that? what is this place? it sure isn't the fun-fair. what? the eye - um - delicious with horseradish on rye! nothing to it. was that for real down there? what the hell is that? quick. my car. this ocean business. i know where i can find a map. i need to go back to the station. where will you be? good. uh-oh. take mine. jump! at first i thought there was no way to get to the ocean. the buildings are a barrier, no windows, no doors - everything just, well, ends - only thing would be drill a hole. but then, i saw it, one door, just one. inside a tenement building. i can't wait any longer. but she was getting better. she doesn't have cancer. white? dammit. gesundheit!