i have called this meeting for a purpose, yes? it is clear to you we are - unhappy, yes? the tuning failed - when our agents arrived he was gone. he knows things - predicts things. explain to us, doctor. why is the situation this way? yes? no excuses, dearest doctor! answers. yes? you said this would be containable! nothing works this time. why is this so? we must find him. this is your responsibility. you have duplicated the personality, yes. i hear a clock in my head, and i like it! a world in our likeness! welcome. john white, you are to be tried for murder, yes. you wish to confess to these crimes now? very well. the testimony of the prosecutors. yes. something to say? ready to confess? speak up. yes. bring the witnesses. you are the accused's parents? a fanciful idea, mister white. ah - a plot. now we have a plot! very inventive. a book of delusions. anything else? i see. the verdict, yes. before i pronounce sentence. how dare you use your tricks on me! shut up, freak! monster! you are insignificant. you'll regret that. this has all gone too far. yes, much too far.