you remember nothing? who you are? what you've done? ah, that would be cheating, wouldn't it? is there nothing you remember? not even a detail? you must try. water? what does she say? the woman. your name is john white. bad dreams? tell me about them. if you like. that's right. i am your doctor. well. i cannot say. you don't know the answer to that? we won't get anywhere like this. please. let's take things in easy steps. put simply. a penetration of the left parieto-occipital area of the cranium. complicated by inflammation that resulted in adhesions of the brain to the meninges. without going into detail. the formation of scar tissue altered the configuration of the lateral ventricles, producing incipient atrophy of the medulla. not exactly. she was found in a canal, disembowelled. throat cut. blood drained. the body wrapped in a bed-sheet. you remember nothing, eh? let me show you something. formation of memories is the most important of brain functions. we are little more than a sum of memories. from them we reference who we are, where we're going. without a past we are nothing. this is why you are so interesting. anything but, my friend. it feels no pain. maybe. we know of two kinds of memory. firstly, declarative memory. and then there is procedural memory. follow? research on simple animals can be. useful. to show us where memory storing systems are located, for example. i am building an experiment with hamsters next. cute little things. listen to me talk! you must be hungry. whole damn wing lost power. wiring's old. keep meaning to get it fixed. here we are. ah. beautiful! head and all! just how i like 'em! i don't blame you for getting angry. you are in a frustrating situation. you must be patient though. trust me completely. i'm here to help. it can't wait? ah, nearly done. so tell me about your dreams. i'm very interested. ah, our friends in black. they are not just a figment of your imagination you know, in fact none of what you are experiencing is anything but real. i know everything about you. you have no choice but to trust me. scarey, isn't it? are you feeling alright? what are you doing? you can't go yet. we've got so much to talk about. you're tired. you need to lie down. leave it! damn! whoever it is - get rid of them! i'm sorry i had to put you through this, anton. there will be some pain, but things will be easier this way. he tried to kill me! please, stay calm. you're innocent. you didn't kill anyone. listen to what i have to say. decide for yourself. the men in black - they're the killers. no, it's the truth. if you would only take this, inject it in your brain, everything would be much clearer. everyone get's one - very much like this. but this one's special. it will help you understand, everything. anton - i mean, john, there has been an experiment, a dangerous experiment. i arranged it. it was a lie from the beginning. it almost worked, but things did not go as they should have. you have been left - blank. you can change this, all this. but you must take it. please! don't be foolish! time is short. let me show you something. look at this syringe. don't ask stupid questions. look at it. concentrate. imagine the syringe rising. picture it floating above the table. do it! no it isn't. you are doing it! now raise it over the glass and. just visiting my patient. he's seriously disturbed. yes, of course. everything's fine. loose ends? yes, of course. i. i'm not certain i fully understand myself. i - ah - i. it's a little cold in here don't you think? i don't know what you're talking about. you are mistaken. nothing. i don't know anything! please, they'll kill me. in there. you wouldn't believe me if i told you, inspector. have patience - you'll see for yourself. put them on. get in. hurry. follow me, and do exactly as i do. the eye. master of time and space! i'm afraid so. i'm. being. punished. i had to - ahhhh - find you. i. we are. living in their dreams. insect. dreams.