yes. this way. the handiwork of an extremely sick individual. youve read the reports. not much to go on. we know nothing about him, except that he likes to cut them. always the same type of blade. forensics match in each case. anyway, it's all in the reports, read them for yourself. why are you wearing that thing on your face? i see. one things for sure, hes ambitious. youll be a busy man from now on. thompson suffered a kind of severe delusion or some damn thing. anyway he isnt with us any longer. the case is yours. go through his files. take what you need. by the way, hows your mother? lets go, bumstead. so much to do and so little time. what is it? why do you want to speak to him? ill be the judge of that. anything else? what makes you think that! if you would learn to concentrate on facts, not get so side-tracked - you might get things done faster, bumstead. john. murderer. you'll sign a confession? i need to speak to you. immediately. bumstead, these. er, gentlemen are here to collect white. yes. that's right. he's ill - he needs expert help. if you could show them to the holding cell now. (shouts at cringing alright, get out. you stay. bumstead, you're starting to annoy me. this case is very important to me. just a little warning: i've got my eye on you inspector, remember that. why do you always have to find things out the hard way! couldn't you just do your job, you idiot? i told you, didn't i? these people are not playing games, bumstead. they can do anything they want, don't you understand? time for that early retirement, bumstead. didn't bring the gold watch i'm afraid.