that's why we bring dogs. bodyguard 2 opens the back door- three enormous rotweilers emerge, growling. the chechen crouches, kissing the dogs. my little princes. the batman's invisible to you fools. but my little princes. they can find human meat in complete darkness. the chechen moves to the second suv, reaches in and drags out a skinny, wild-eyed junkie by his hair. look! look what your drugs did to my customers! my business is repeat customers. come on, sonofbitch- my dogs are hungry, pity there's only one of you. a bodyguard to the side disappears with a scream, and a second bat-shadow appears. the chechen looks taken aback. three more bat-shadows appear. even the dogs stop growling. boom! a hole appears in the suv next to the chechen. the first bat-shadow steps into the light carrying a shotgun. chaos as men scatter and the rooftop erupts in gunfire. the chechen turns as he hears one of his men scream. loose the dogs! a bodyguard releases the dogs- they race, salivating, into the darkness. the dogs race towards a bat-shadow- the first dog leaps, gets its jaws around the bat-shadow's throat. scarecrow ducks behind the van- holes punched in the side by shotgun blasts right behind him. he starts to climb into the driver's seat- the muzzle of a shotgun is pressed to the back of his head- a bat-shadow is behind him- he sprays him with fear toxin- the bat-shadow collapses to the ground, screaming. the cechnyan, cowering from gunfire, looks down at him. how you know? who's stupid enough steal from us? who the hell is that? you promised safe, clean money launder- what stops them getting to you? sit. i wanna hear proposition. the joker nods his thanks. rises. what you propose? how much you want? i put word out. we hire the clown. he was right. we have to fix real problem. batman. maroni shakes his head. spots gordon walking over dangling a pair of handcuffs. nods at the tv. like i say- not so crazy as you look. the joker jumps from the top, slides down the pile. more for us. what you do with all your money, mr.joker? the joker grabs a can of gasoline from his thug. you said you were a man of your word. the joker plucks the cigar from the chechen's lips. they won't work for a freak. the joker takes out a knife. tosses it to his man.