mr mayor, you were elected on a campaign to clean up the city. when are you going to start? like this so-called batman- a lot of people say he's doing some good that criminals are running scared. but i say no. what kind of hero needs to wear a mask? you don't let vigilantes run around breaking the law. where does it end? police released video footage found concealed on the body. sensitive viewers be aware: it is disturbing. the image cuts to a blindfolded man, wearing a makeshift batman costume- face bruised and bloody. in some kind of bright, fluorescent-lit room. with no word from the batman- even as they mourn commissioner loeb, these cops have to be wondering if the joker is going to make good on his threat to kill the mayor today. on the buildings above, police snipers scan the crowd. gordon keys his radio- he's a credible source- an a and m lawyer for a prestigious consultancy. he says he's waited as long as he can for the batman to do the right thing. the shot cuts to reese, nodding. now he's taking matters into his own hands. we'll be live at five with the true identity of the batman, stay with us. caller, you're on the air. guy's got a point- dent didn't want batman to give himself up, is this the right thing to do? and we wish him a speedy recovery. god knows we need him, now. let's take another call- who is this? commissioner?! you really think someone would try to- gordon spots an old man raising a pistol- gordon throws reese to the ground as shots shatter the laminated glass of the lobby. the crowd surges in all directions- thanks. . into the main office. the joker is there.