the batmobile flips over to come to rest in a smoking heap- the front end intact, rear wheels scattered across the roadway. a small crowd gathers. the joker jumps down from the truck, still giggling like a kid- looks back at the batmobile's destruction- the armored car pulls ahead, the joker's truck in hot pursuit. the armored car pulls onto a ramp, heading up. the joker's truck follows. people stare at the smoking wreck, inching closer. the crowd jumps- panels of the front of the car blow out- the crowd stares, open-mouthed, as batman emerges, hoisted up and out of the flaming car by the front pod- levering over the front wheel. the pod pushes the other wheel in front to form a type of motorcycle- the bat-pod shoots forward, bursting free as the batmobile detonates, dying in a massive fireball. batman's cape sucks together, forming a tight pack on his shoulders, clear of the churning rear tire of the bat-pod.