pandemonium erupts-one of the honor guard is tagged in the leg- goes down. the others melt into the chaos. on the podium, stephens rolls gordon over. he is not moving. the armored car races down the street- the chopper dips low. the joker's thugs fire the cables across the street at seventh floor level. they pull taut as the chopper approaches, unawares. the chopper catches on the cables, going down in a fiery ball that barrels along the street towards the armored car. batman swerves past the joker's truck, slaloms, wrapping the cables around a lamp post, spinning to a halt to watch. the cable goes taut, ripping one post from its foundation- the truck's front wheels catch, flipping it end over end. the joker crawls from the wreckage. he jumps over the median and starts waving his pistol at oncoming traffic. batman guns the bat-pod and rides it up and over the median.