well, mr.lau, i speak for the rest of the board, and mr.wayne, in expressing our own excitement. the chinese look to the head of the table: wayne, asleep. we'll be in touch as soon as our people have wrapped up the diligence. the elevator doors close. reese frowns. you worry about the diligence, mr. reese. i'll worry about bruce wayne. do it again. wouldn't want the trust fund to run out, would we? another long night? this joint venture was your idea, and the consultants love it, but i'm not convinced. l.s.i.'s grown 8 percent annually, like clockwork. they must have a revenue stream that's off the books. maybe even illegal. you already knew. anything else you can trouble me for? three buttons is a little nineties. you want to be able to turn your head? i'll see what i can do. our chinese friend left town before i could tell him the deal is off. what's wrong with a phone call? for high altitude jumps, you need oxygen and stabilizers. i must say- compared to your usual requests, jumping out of an airplane is pretty straightforward. i can recommend a good travel agent. that's more like it, mr.wayne. he shuts the drawer. moves off, thinking. i don't think i have anything here. the cia had a program in the '60s for getting their people out of hot spots. called sky hook. now- fox opens a cabinet to reveal components of a new bat-suit. armored plating secured to mesh. wayne lifts an arm. hardened kevlar plates on a titanium- dipped fiber tri-weave for flexibility. wayne examines double blade scallops on the gauntlet. you'll be lighter, faster, more agile. wayne flinches as the blades fire, spinning like throwing stars, narrowly missing his ear, embedding themselves in a filing cabinet. fox looks at him. perhaps you should read the instructions, first. now, there's a trade-off. the spread of the plates gives you weak spots. you'll be more vulnerable to gunfire and knives. you talking chihuahuas or rotweilers? it should do fine against cats. i understand! well, it was good of you to bring me out here in such style, mr.lau. but i've actually come. a cell phone rings. fox pulls out a second, identical, phone. fox presses the off switch and places the phone by his plate. sorry. forgot i had it. so, i've come to explain why we're going to have to put our deal on hold. lau stares at fox. clearly furious. fox smiles. we can't afford to be seen to do business with. well, whatever it is you're accused of being. a businessman of your stature will understand. lau gets up. silent. fox retrieves his phone. stands. well, i do love chinese food. and mr.wayne didn't want you to think we'd been deliberately wasting your time. that's very good- "accidentally". very good. i'll be sure and tell mr.wayne that he was wrong about you not having a sense of humor. there's a better view from the peak tram. wayne turns to find fox standing there, street map out. restricted. lau's holed up in there good and tight. here. fox shows wayne the phone. the display: a 3-d map of lau's office suite. wayne takes the phone, impressed. i had r and d work it up- it sends out high frequencies and records the response time to map an environment. submarine. like a submarine. in place. wayne nods, moves away. mr.wayne? good luck. what can i do for you, mr. reese? their ceo is in police custody. let me get this straight. you think that your client, one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world, is secretly a vigilante who spends his nights beating criminals to a pulp with his bare hands. and now your plan is to blackmail this person? reese stares at fox. who smiles. and slides the blueprint across the desk. good luck. reese looks at it. then at fox. swallows. slides it back. here's your original scan. here's it reverse-engineered. fox hits a button and the unmarked bullet fragments are reassembled. wayne spins the roughly-shaped bullet puzzle- i'll make you a copy. mr.wayne, did you reassign r and d? i wasn't aware we had any new government contracts. can you- fair enough. fox looks at wayne as he leaves. uneasy. beautiful. unethical. dangerous. you've turned every phone in the city into a microphone. lucius presses a key. the babble of a million conversations at once fills the room. every cell phone in the city. like the phone i gave you in hong kong. you took my sonar concept and applied it to everybody's phone in the city. with half the city feeding you sonar you can image all of gotham. this is wrong. but at what cost? no one should have that kind of power. spying on thirty million people wasn't in my job description. batman points to a tv screen. fox turns. on screen: the joker shakes his head above a graphic "latest threat". i'll help you this one time. lucius sits at the console. batman moves off- but consider this my resignation. batman turns. fox looks at him, serious. as long as this machine is at wayne industries, i won't be. i'm zeroing in. his voice is on the ferry, but that's not the source. it's west. batman fires up the bat-pod- his cape shrinks into its pack form as he peels out, roaring into the night. you've got p.o.v. on alpha channel, omni on beta-