where, then?
give me one reason i shouldn't have my boy here pull your head off. the joker pulls out a freshly sharpened pencil.
a freak. laughs. which the joker tries to ignore.
enough from the clown. gambol gets up, moving at the joker, who casually opens his coat, revealing explosives wired to his chest. gambol stops.
you think you can steal from us and just walk away? i'm putting the word out- 5 hundred grand for this clown dead. a million alive, so i get to teach him some manners, first. the joker shrugs. turns to the assembled.
they bring proof?
so. dead you get five hundred- behind gambol, the joker sits up- thrusts knives into the bodyguards' chests. gambol spins to see a crazy grin on the joker's spit-dribbled face-