three of a kind. let's do this. one of the clowns looks up from loading his automatic weapon. there's two on the roof. every guy is an extra share. five shares is plenty. yeah? he thinks he can sit it out and still take a slice then i get why they call him the joker. grumpy cocks his weapon. bozo pulls the car over in front of the gotham first national bank. obviously, we don't want you doing anything with your hands other than holding on for dear life. blam. chuckles is blown off his feet- grumpy and bozo dive for cover- the bank manager steps out of his office, shotgun in hand. hostages scramble, clinging their grenades. he's got three left? bozo raises two fingers. grumpy squeezes off a shot. the bank manager fires. fires again. grumpy looks at bozo, who nods. grumpy jumps up. the bank manager fires- grumpy grunts as buckshot clips his shoulder. falls. the bank manager moves in for the kill, fumbling for new shells. bozo stands- shoots him. bozo picks up the shotgun. grumpy checks his wound- it's superficial. he struggles to his feet. where'd you learn to count?! bozo's mask stares him down. grumpy heads for the stairs in the back. bozo starts loading fresh shells into the shotgun. a mob bank. guess the joker's as crazy as they say. happy shrugs. grips the wheel bolt and spins it. where's the alarm guy? funny, he told me something similar. happy freezes. the wheel spins to a stop- the vault door clunks open- happy grabs for his weapon- spins to see grumpy shoot. grumpy steps over happy into the vault. c'mon, there's a lot to carry. if this guy was so smart he would have had us bring a bigger car. grumpy jabs his pistol in bozo's back. takes his weapon. i'm betting the joker told you to kill me soon as we loaded the cash. bus driver? what bus- bozo steps backwards. smash. hostages scream as the tail end of a yellow school bus rockets through the front of the bank, slamming grumpy into the teller's window. bozo picks up grumpy's weapon. another clown opens the rear door of the bus. bozo shoots him. then loads the bags onto the bus. the wounded bank manager watches him. in the distance: sirens.