in china l.s.i. holdings stands for dynamic new growth. a joint chinese venture with wayne enterprises will be a powerhouse. it's ok, everyone knows who really runs wayne enterprises. gentlemen, please. as you're all aware, one of our deposits was stolen. a relatively small amount: 68 million. i'm told the man who arranged the heist calls himself joker. thanks to mr.maroni's well-placed sources we know that police have indeed identified our banks using marked bills and are planning to seize your funds today- everyone starts shouting at once. with the investigation ongoing, none of you can risk hanging on to your own proceeds. and since the enthusiastic new d.a. has put all my competitors out of business, i'm your only option. moving all deposits to one secure location. not a bank. obviously, no one can know but me. if the police were to gain leverage over one of you everyone's money would be at stake. as the money is moved i go to hong kong. far from dent's jurisdiction. and the chinese will not extradite one of their own. from the back of the room comes laughter. it grows and grows, until it fills the room. all eyes turn: the joker. sweaty clown makeup obscuring the awful scars which widen his mouth into a permanent, ghoulish smile. i already have. for obvious reasons i couldn't wait for your permission. rest assured, your money is safe. he is already on his private jet. i must apologize for leaving gotham in the middle of our negotiations. this misunderstanding with the gotham police force. i couldn't let such a thing threaten my company. a businessman of your stature will understand. but with you here. we can continue. we do not allow cell phones in- i think,, that a simple phone call might have sufficed. just accidentally wasting it. where the hell are the cops? what the hell am i paying them for? they head for the stairwell. the money is the only reason i'm still alive. rachel leans forward, speaking softly. clearly. wait. i won't give you the money, but i'll give you my clients. all of them. i'm good with calculation- i handled all their investments. one big pot. immunity, protection and a chartered plane back to hong kong. like i said- i'm good with calculation. no way. you can't protect me- you can't even protect yourselves. dent throws the heavy vest at lau.