well, mike- i'm told our men in the major crimes unit are close to an arrest. dent! what was that circus?! 549 criminals at once?! how did you convince surrillo to hear this farce? even if you blow enough smoke to get convictions out of surrillo, you'll set a new record at appeals for quickest kick in the ass. the public likes you, dent. that's the only reason this might fly. followed swiftly by you and me- bang! a dark shape cracks the glass in front of the mayor's nose. dent rushes to the window, looks out. back from the dead. what do we got? go home, gordon. the clown'll keep till morning. get some rest- you're going to need it. tomorrow, you take the big job. you don't have any say in the matter. commissioner gordon. the cops in m.c.u. start cheering. land routes east? the men you and dent put away? those aren't people i'm worried about.