where were you? i know the briefs backwards. dent pulls a large silver dollar out of his pocket. grins. you're flipping coins to see who leads? i'm serious, harvey, you don't leave things like this to chance. we'll never link the gun to maroni, so we can't charge him, but i'll tell you one thing- the fact they tried to kill you means we're getting to them. harvey, you're gotham's d.a.- if you're not getting shot at, you're not doing your job. 'course if you said you were rattled we could take the rest of the day. jim gordon? he's a friend- try to be nice. really? yes, bruce. fancy that. bruce, this is harvey dent. for how long? about three weeks? natascha, aren't you? harvey's taking me next week. no. he knows i am. an extra table arrives. and the last man they asked to protect the republic was named caesar. he never gave up that power. give us the money and we'll deal. you mean when they hear that you've helped us they're going to kill you? no, i'm just assuming your client's cooperation with this investigation. as will everyone. enjoy your stay in county, mr.lau. you were a glorified accountant- what could you have on all of them that we could charge? we can charge all of them with it. dent nods at rachel, excited. mr.lau, do you have details of this communal fund? ledgers, notebooks? once you've testified in open court. so with your clients locked up, what happens to all that money? now i've seen it all: harvey dent, scourge of the underworld, scared stiff by the trust fund brigade. rachel spots someone and darts off- harvey may not know you well enough to understand when you're making fun of him. but i do. you can't ask me to wait for that. wayne takes rachel's arms, looking at her, excited. the whole mob's after you and you're worried about these guys? oh, yeah? the rest of your life, huh? that's a pretty big commitment. don't. i don't have an answer. i'm sorry, harvey. i just. what are you doing?! dent slumps, unconscious in wayne's arms. stop! the joker drops the gentleman. turns to rachel. let's not do that again, okay? is harvey-? thank you. harvey, where are you?! intercut with dent in an indistinct interior setting. where you should be- at major crimes trying to sort through all the- this is gordon's unit, harvey- he vouched for these men- bruce. we can trust bruce wayne. trust me, harvey, bruce's penthouse is now the safest place in the city. harvey called. he says batman is going to turn himself in. you honestly think it's going to stop the joker from killing? bruce, don't make me your one hope for a normal life- wayne takes her in his arms. yes. they kiss. then separate. she looks sadly into his eyes. but they won't let us be together after you turn yourself in. why is he letting harvey do this, alfred? and just stood by?! well, you're right about one thing- letting harvey take the fall is not heroic. rachel holds out an envelope. you know bruce best, alfred. give it to him when the time is right. it's not sealed. alfred takes the envelope. rachel gives him a kiss. goodbye, alfred. don't offer yourself as bait, harvey. no. this is too dangerous- the detective knocks. dent rises. he's using you as bait- but he doesn't know if he can get the joker- he's failed so far. i just do, okay? harvey, this isn't just about you, what about all the people counting on you to turn this city around? tell everyone the truth- dent kisses her. pulls out his lucky coin- this is your life. you don't leave something like this to chance. dent tosses it at her- rachel catches it. looks. heads. you make your own luck. as swats file into the back of the support vehicles- can anyone hear me? harvey dent opens his eyes. he's bound to a chair in a dingy, unfurnished basement apartment. harvey. you're ok. i thought. her voice is coming from a speakerphone on the floor. no. harvey, we don't have much time- the timer connected to the bomb reads 2.47. 2.46. they said only one of us was going to make it. that they'd let our. our friends choose. dent strains. the chair, and dent, topple over- knocking harvey? what's happening? dent, one side of his face pressed against the bare floor, watches the open barrel spew diesel fuel around him- harvey, in case. i want you to know something. dent chokes, his emotions overwhelming him. i know, but i don't want them to. i don't want to live without you. because i do have an answer, and my answer is yes. harvey? harvey, it's okay. somewhere- dear bruce, i need to explain. i need to be honest and clear. i'm going to marry harvey dent. i love him, i want to spend the rest of my life with him. when i told you that if gotham no longer needed batman we could be together, i meant it. but i'm not sure the day will come. when you no longer need batman. i hope it does, and if it does i will be there. but as your friend. i'm sorry to let you down. if you lose your faith in me, please keep your faith in people. love, now and always, rachel. alfred finishes the letter. tears in his eyes, he folds it back into its envelope. places it on the breakfast tray.