hey, wuertz- the mayor says you're closing in on the batman. wuertz looks up, listless. crumples up a paper. ever intending to see your wife again, lieutenant? they checked her back into hospital. least there she's got someone round the clock. unlike your wife. he hasn't shown? gordon gets up. looks into the sky at the bat-signal. why wouldn't he come? he can't resist showing us his face. give us a minute, please, people! the forensic team and ramirez leave. gordon hands batman the blow-up of the joker. you're gonna want to see this. that joker card pinned to the body? forensics found three sets of d.n.a. all three. gordon stops. turns to face her. the d.n.a. belongs to judge surrillo, harvey dent and commissioner loeb. city hall. harvey dent. us contaminate it? it's because of you that these guys are dead in the first place- let him be! he's been through enough- dent follows ramirez to a squad car- wuertz is in the driver's seat. dent smiles at ramirez as she opens the rear door. i figured, counselor. ramirez shuts the door on dent. signals wuertz to pull out. barbara, it's anna ramirez- listen carefully, there's no time. jim needs you to pack up and get the kids in the car right away. barbara, those cops can't be trusted. jim needs you away from them as soon as possible. i'll call them off for 10 minutes, you'll have to move fast- i'm going to give you an address- jim will meet you there. 250, 52nd street. leave as soon as the patrol car pulls out. dent is holding a gun at ramirez's head. she hangs up. i didn't know- i'm sorry- they got me early on. my mother's medical bills and my- i took a little from them- once they've got you, they keep you. i'm sorry. dent looks at his coin. good side.