but i learn from my mistakes. my armor. i'm carrying too much weight- i need to be faster. a dog. a big dog. there were more copycats last night, alfred. with guns. this wasn't exactly what i had in mind when i said i wanted to inspire people. i am. closely. i need to know if he can be trusted. alfred looks at other images- the d.a. at a meeting. campaigning. helping someone out of a cab: rachel. who rachel spends her time with is her business. if you ever took one, i might. batman has no limits. i can't afford to know them. we all know how much you like to say 'i told you so'. ok. cancel the deal. i needed a closer look at their books. i need a new suit. i'm not talking about fashion, mr.fox, so much as function. wayne pulls some diagrams. fox looks them over. sure make backing out of the driveway easier. rachel! fancy that. rachel, natascha. natascha, rachel. i certainly hope not. let's put a couple tables together. they should! i own the place. how'd you know? prima ballerina for the moscow ballet. you're into ballet, harvey? i was raised here. i turned out ok. the palisades? sure. you know, as our new d.a. you might want to figure out where your jurisdiction ends. exactly. who appointed the batman? well, you've sold me, dent. i'm gonna throw you a fundraiser. i don't think you understand. one fundraiser with my pals, you'll never need another cent. i'm sure you've always wanted to go to hong kong. fox opens the door to a private elevator. i think mr.lau deserves a more personal touch. how about getting back into the plane? without it landing. sorry. fox picks up the chest, demonstrating its flexibility. we wouldn't want things getting too easy, would we? how will it hold up against dogs? fox looks at him quizzically. south korean smugglers. they run flights into pyongyang, below radar the whole way. did you think of an alibi? alfred looks quite pleased with himself. you look tired, alfred. will you be all right without me? a ballerina rolls over- waves the suntan lotion at alfred. how's the view from l.s.i.holdings? what's this? sonar. just like a b- and the other device? how's it going? and why do you think i wanted to hold a party for harvey dent? very droll. but very wrong. actually it's dent. you see- sorry, i'm late- glad you started without me! where's rachel?! rachel cringes slightly. wayne spots her. rachel dawes- my oldest friend. when she told me she was dating harvey dent, i had one thing to say. the guy from those god-awful campaign commercials? laughter. dent shifts, embarrassed. 'i believe in harvey dent.' nice slogan, harvey. certainly caught rachel's attention. but then i started paying attention to harvey, and all he's been doing as our new d.a., and you know what? i believe in harvey dent. on his watch, gotham can feel a little safer. a little more optimistic. so get out your checkbooks and let's make sure that he stays right where all of gotham wants him. all except gotham's criminals, of course. to the face of gotham's bright future- harvey dent. dent smiles accepting the toast. i meant every word. wayne moves closer to rachel. takes her arm. the day you once told me about, the day when gotham no longer needs batman. it's coming. rachel looks at wayne. conflicted. he moves closer. it's happening now- harvey is that hero. he locked up half the city's criminals, and he did it without wearing a mask. gotham needs a hero with a face. they've come for him. from the main room- a shotgun blast followed by screams. wayne stuffs dent in a closet- puts a mop through the handles. rushes past rachel- stay hidden. targeting me won't get their money back. i knew the mob wouldn't go down without a fight, but this is different. they've crossed a line. criminals aren't complicated, alfred. we just have to figure out what he's after. what were you missing? so why was he stealing them? and here's a thumb print. fox looks at the screen, impressed. thinks. yes. government telecommunications project. lucius. i'm playing this one pretty close to the chest. i've run it through all the databases and came up with four possibles. wayne gets up to let alfred sit. cross-reference the addresses. look for parkside and around. wayne opens a hydraulic door, revealing a gleaming mv augusta brutale. as he moves the bike onto the lift. overlooking the parade. wayne and the bike rise on the lift. i have no choice. perhaps not. but i've got enough blood on my hands. i've seen, now, what i would have to become to stop men like him. rachel looks at wayne. she cannot help him. you once told me that if the day came when i was finished. wayne moves towards her. we'd be together. but did you mean it? anything that could lead back to lucius or rachel. alfred tosses the book onto the fire. stares at wayne. people are dying, alfred. what would you have me do? alfred looks into wayne's eyes with a fearsome gaze. today i've found out what batman can't do. he can't endure this. today you get to say 'i told you so'. accomplice? i'm going to tell them the whole thing was your idea. they power down, leaving the bat-bunker in darkness. alfred? did i bring this on us? on her? i thought i would inspire good, not madness- but rachel, alfred. gotham needs its hero. and i let the joker blow him half to hell- she was going to wait for me. dent doesn't know. he can never know. alfred glances at the envelope. takes it off the tray. what's that? that bandit, in the forest in burma. did you catch him? how? i need you plugged in, checking gordon's men and their families. hospital admissions. in the middle of the day? not very subtle, alfred. i saw o'brien and richards. i saw burns and zachary. and a patrolman i don't know. there's at least one i don't know- send the information to gordon- call me bruce. i think so. trying to catch the light? why? who's in it? reese locks eyes with wayne. nods. gordon sizes up bruce wayne and his crushed sports car. it can get a little intense. think i should go to hospital? that's why i gave it to you. only you can use it. lucius looks at batman. hard.