i have a reduced drive reading of seven thousand. ninety seven million, minus eight, corrected to mass critical. time to start talking. not much. nothing at all in this sector. well, i show a 95% probability of sentient life in the horsehead nebula. well, it is kind of a long shot. well, there's the possibility of. all right, then. hey, doolittle, here's one. an unstable planet. 85% probability of an unstable planet in the veil nebula that will probably go off its orbit and hit a star. pinback, throw me the chart log. i'm getting this flickering light on one of my panels. the one on unit. oh, i think it's gmr twelve zero zero. i'm not sure. i think something is fucked up somewhere in the ship, though. yeah. why doesn't talby ever eat down here with the rest of us? what's talby's first name? there she is. definite 99%-plus probability that the planet is going to deviate from its normal orbit in another twelve thousand rotations. it'll spiral in toward its sun, and -- quantum is up thirty-five. -- open quantum latches -- sittin' there. it's just sittin' there. i can tell, the damn thing just doesn't understand. what's he doin'? the key! no, no, the key, the key to the fail-safe lock! where's the fail-safe key? where is it? what did you do with it? you must have it, you idiot, we can stop the bomb! the key, goddamit, the key! where is the key? it didn't go off. it didn't go off. no bombs today. no bombs. big boiler's back in business. no bombs today. we've got to disarm the bomb. what was that, i didn't hear. can you beat that? i always knew talby was weird. what the hell? bomb, hey bomb.