muffirup glurrinpinfropal. i'm glad you've come to talk with me, doolittle. it's been so long since anyone has come to talk with me. doolittle, you must tell me one thing. tell me, doolittle, how are the dodgers doing? ah. pity, pity. ah, so many malfunctions. why don't you have anything nice to tell me when you activate me? oh, well, did you try the azimuth clutch? what was that, doolittle? it didn't work? sorry, doolittle. i've forgotten so much since i've been in here. so much. well, what you might try is -- doolittle, hello? sorry. ah. it seems to me, doolittle. sorry, i've drawn a blank. hold it. i'll have it again in a minute. i forget so many things in here, so many things. hold on, just a minute, let me think. oh, yes, doolittle, i'm thinking. oh, yes. well, doolittle, if you can't get it to drop you'll have to talk to it. talk to the bomb. no, no, doolittle, you talk to it. teach it phenomenology, doolittle. phenomenology. men. men. what happened, men?