oh! ah, yes, doolittle. what is it? okay, doolittle, i'll have it in a minute. lieutenant doolittle, it just exploded. ah, sir, the planet just exploded. lieutenant? i like it up here. i don't like to go below since commander powell died. i feel enclosed down there. if it were big enough, i'd sleep up here. you see, i can watch things up here, doolittle. i love to watch things, just stare at the planets and meteors and asteroids, gas clusters. you know, doollttle, if we're going into the veil nebula, we may actually find a strange and beautiful thing: the phoenix asteroids. they should be passing through there about now. they are a body of asteroids that make a complete circuit of the universe once every 12.3 trillion years. the phoenix asteroids. from what i've heard, doolittle, they glow. glow with all the colors of the rainbow. nobody knows why. they just glow as they drift around the universe. imagine all the sights they've seen in the time they've been travelling -- the birth and death of stars, things we'll never see. the universe is alive, doolittle. i thought it was all empty, but it isn't. in between the stars, it's seething with light and gasses and dust. there are little pebbles drifting around, planets no one on earth has ever seen. no one but the phoenix asteroids. i'm getting something here, on this readout. i think i'm getting a malfunction here somewhere. lieutenant doolittle, i'm getting a definite malfunction on one of the closed-circuit computer systems. i can't seem to locate the malfunction exactly. somewhere in the autonomic relay circuits. ah, doolittle, i do have a malfunction on this readout, but i can't seem to pinpoint exactly where it is. i really think i should try and locate it immediately. might be something important. lieutenant doolittle, this is talby. lieutenant? sorry to interrupt your lunch, sir, but i'm in the computer room, and i think i've located the malfunction. the scanner shows it to be some sort of fault in the communications laser, down by the emergency air lock. can't pinpoint it exactly, but i'm going down there with a starsuit and try to find it. ah, lieutenant doolittle? sir? ah, well, i think i've found the malfunction, sir. i'm in the emergency air lock. well, i'm in the emergency air lock and -- hello? lieutenant doolittle? hello! doolittle. doolittle? it you're there, i'm going to try to adjust the cue switch on the laser. well. here goes. my eyes. doolittle? doolittle? what happened? pinback? boiler? did we blow it up? hello? hello? hello, anybody! did we blow up the planet? hello, hello! what's going on? help, doolittle, help me! doolittle! help me. doolittle, doolittle, where are you? what happened, doolittle? when you fall, doolittle, if there's anyone down there on the planet, somebody may see you. they may see you coming down. what a beautiful way to die. as a falling star. doolittle, i'm heading right toward something. it's behind me, in the distance. something that glows. doolittle. i think it's the phoenix asteroids! it is, doolittle, it's the phoenix! they glow with all the colors of the rainbow, just like everybody said. i'm going into them, i'm going to hit them. doolittle. before we get too far away, and our signals start to fade, i just wanted to tell you. you were my favorite. i really liked you, doolittle. doolittle, i'm catching up to the asteroids. i'm going to be a part of them in a minute. doolittle, i'm going into them. i'm beginning to glow. they're taking me with them, with the phoenix. going to circle the universe forever. i'm with them now. be back this way again some day. doolittle, before it's too late, there's one last thing i want to tell you.