hey ! what are we doin' this for? we can you got a boat. i don't know where they went, man. i don't know. i swear. you. you motherfuckers! jesus christ! get up here, woman! get the hell up here! leave him. it looks uninhabited. what do you think? i'm pullin' in. what's he saying? his madness. could be from shock. i dunno. landing pad for a helicopter? i dunno. it's some kind of. elevator. there must be something under the ground here. maybe. military. what do we do? let'em know we're here. or what? it can't be. are we truly in hell? no! nooooo! noooooooooooooooo!!! yes. yes, do it. please. you can't let me die this way. please. destroy me. a bullet. in the head. i don't want to become. one of. one of them. please. senor. destroy me. one bullet. please. please. shoot me. no. nooooooo. shoot me! shoot me! shooooooooot meeeeeeeee!!! two of us. only two of us. me. and him. the mainland. is dead. a dead place. nobody there. there are no. headquarters. there are no. rebels. only the walking dead. don't you see. they have won. to look. look for a place. a place to live in. an empty place. a. new. place. nooooo. believe me. there are no others. no rebels. nobody. it's over. it's ooooo.