you always recommend the ultimate penalty, tommy lee. you and rhodes. all those. against. the ultimate penalty raise yer hands. ya mean ta say nobody's gonna object to the ultimate penalty in this here case? well, what if i object? what if i object to the ultimate penalty. there's been a whole lotta swingin' influence and swingin' weight arountyere lately. does anybody at all give two shits fer what i think any more? well, i'm a- gonna let this guy off. how d'yall like that? and i want the word ta git out i let 'im off. i let 'im off. not this council. maybe i can improve my image rountyere. yer sentenced ta hard labour. stalag seventeen. a year. well, piss on you, mister! i just saved your ass! you damn well better not go hollerin' like that in here! well, miss henried, what a coincidence. you're just in time fer a case that seems ta concern you. guess you didn't care about the other proceedin's we been dealin' with here this mornin'. well, you managed ta make it here jus' in time fer this case, didn't ya? miss henried, i think you better. miss henried, shut the hell up!!! ya had 'im sent ta the stalag? that's all ya did to 'im? shut up, miss henried! i tol' ya b'fore! siddown, young lady! i done yup a shit-load now i think captain's punishment is fair, considerin'. in fact i think you ain't got shit ta complain about. listen, missy. i am the only due process that has ta be served aroun' tyere and one of the people doin' the servin' from now on is gonna be you. now you been prancin' aroun' the cave like yer ass was glass fer long enough! all that's gonna change, young lady. now if you still got a statement you'd like ta make, you can jus' hold onto it 'til tonight. that's right. 'bout eight, if that suits. we'll start out in my gymnasium an' progress on from there. to various other forms o' physical therapy. oh, lordy, lordy. i'm drunk as a skunk. look at this. will ya jus' loooooook at these lovelies! say, henried, you ever try it with another woman? i've tried it with boys. too strenuous. folks. i just couldn't resist. how d'yall like those? how do those taste? fresh from the freezers, folks. it's what. they. eat! just kiddin' folks. just kiddin'. would i do a thing like that? i ask ya now, would i? hah ha ha ha ha. the great state of florida. people came here fer years ta die. retire and expire. the rest o' the country used ta think we was nothin' but a bunch o' farts and fogies. hah! now this here's the new capital o' the world! hah! they came here. died. went to hell. and the devil sent 'em back as an army. hah! general gasparilla's army. my army! there's no place like this place. warm climate. this facility. christ, there ain't nothin' like this no-damn-where! even the feds knew that. that's why they stored so much o' their shit down here. it's all mine now. all mine. just let 'em try ta come after us down here, which they will some day. take a likin' ta what all we got an' come after us. they'll hafta get past my army! an army that ain't afraid ta die. ha ha ha'cause it's awreddy daid! ha ha ha you'll find the ways, miss mary. and when ya do. we'll sail on over to the mainland. or any other damn mainland fer that matter. and start us a recruitin' program. there's millions o' bees out there jus' waitin' fer' a general ta lead 'em on ta vict'ry! well, hi there, y'all. well, c'mon, ladies and gents. who says we gotta let our evenin' get spoiled? simon sez. get down!!! stay here! stay put! we'll be alright! we're safe here! just as safe as anywhere 'til we find out what's goin' on!