it's alright. it's alright. don't be afraid. we're friends. there are soldiers near here. guards. i'll take my hand away if you won't scream. right. we better get away from that bee. he might have friends. bees. that's what we call the dead. the walking dead. here on gasparilla's island. he was a pirate who sailed these waters long ago. his name is bein' borrowed these days by the long lost henry dickerson. that's the man. he's been holed up here ever since the shit hit the fan. him and his family owned these islands 'round here. they was leasin' this one to the fed. the whole underneath is dug out. there was missiles here and laboratories and bomb proof housing, nuclear power, all o' that. now this is dickerson's. gasparilla's. private fortress. him and a bunch o' his cronies from all the best golf courses in tallahassee. and his private army, of course. captain rhodes and his red coat bees. they could sting, sister. we know you came up against 'em. we been watchin' you since you landed. couldn't help. i'm sorry for that. we ain't supposed to be outside. if we was spotted it could. well, it could be the end of everything. give that to me. get behind me. stay behind me. i know you can. like i said, we been watchin' you. we found nine entrances to the cave so far, and we ain't got the whole thing near charted yet. that's what we was doin' out here today. huntin' for entrances. how we gonna break the curse without a prayer or two. what is it if it ain't a curse? that sounds like a curse to me. i'm sure that's true, miss. and that's why we're doin' what we're doin'. what's happenin' underground here is just what lucifer planned for this sinful race o' man. but we're gonna beat lucifer. we're gonna put an end to what's happenin' here. that's why we didn't use prayers on this here white coat 'til after he was destroyed. we ready to fight when we have to. and we gotta fight now. you think you can find your boat? there's a thousand little inlets and backwaters all through here. you remember all the ways you turned to get where you are now? you leave yourself a trail? we didn't see the exact spot but we know about where you landed. but we ain't ready to take you there. not yet. you see. we need guns, too. farther than you think. you'll get lost. you will. and there's bees all through the jungle. i ain't lyin' to ya. religiosos don't lie. we don't need her guns that bad. billy boy. we'll split up. billy, you go with spider. just an hour or two tonight, that's all. rhodes might have extra guards on after all the commotion. we'll meet up at number six and go back home together. the fences make a safe pathway to stalag seventeen. that's where we live. that's where you gonna live, too. hell's half acre. it's not a nice place. them boys there is prisoners. what's their punishment? they sent out to the stalag for a few weeks. that's punishment enough. this is home, darlin'. home for us that don't make the grade. us that ain't. good enough to live inside the cave. we grow a little food, do a little light manufacturin'. like these here vests, we make these for the massers. we live in our own filth, with bugs and snakes and disease and jungle fever. all the time waitin' to become breakfast for the bees. it's a tunnel. it's a couple hundred yards. just keep goin' 'til you reach the end. i'll be right behind you. it's ok. it's ok, doc. she's with us. this here's the hospital. that's diesel over there, the big guy. this here's lukey and that's doc logan who's about to cut your tonsils out. this here's all the weapons we got. that's why your fancy automatic looks so good to us. we gotta stick it over here with the others for now. they catch us with any kind o' weapon and its death without even askin' your name. ammunition. you got ammunition in your pack there? i hope you do or the gun ain't worth much. we better just hide the whole pack, darlin'. that stuff is just shoutin' out that it come from the mainland. the shit we get is all c.d. rations. aspirins and crackers from 1958. let's go. you look like you could use some shut eye. me too. we can all get acquainted tomorrow. this just ain't your day, is it, darlin' sarah. three more minutes. then you can sleep. you gotta stay with it for three more minutes. they supply us with disinfectant and dope. sex, drugs and rock-and-roll. what more could anyone ask for? most around here ain't interested in changin' their lives. the folks you met. me and them and a couple others is the whole rebel army. nobody else gives a shit. and they're afraid o' rhodes. you disappear in here, darlin'. you get a knife in yer belly or too much shit in yer veins. you get lost out here and nobody's gonna notice. rhodes, he counts on that. it all makes for food in the freezers. this is your hotel. i'm not gonna stay here with you but i'll always be close. you gonna hafta take care o' yourself like you said you was able to do. some may notice that you're new. just deny it. you'll get away with it. nobody really looks at each other around here. go on in. get some sleep. he's just finding another reason for bumpin' us off. don't ya see. he needs us ta die. he needs our bodies. ain't no place safe. the hospital? maybe. give him a chance. what'dya tell that soldier, soldier? you tell him we was rebels? we got a boat. i say we got a boat. can you get other stuff? i'm gonna trust him, diesel. he already knows who we are and we ain't got a bunch o' time to mess around with rhodes shootin' up the joint every mornin'. can't walk around here with these. let's just leave 'em here 'til we ready ta use 'em. you're sick, doc. you been sick for a while now. too sick to be workin' with us on this raid. you've helped us enough, providin' cover, hidin' us out. let the rest of us handle the physical stuff. it's too much for you. we're hopin' you can show us where ta go, toby. we're gonna blow up the powder magazine. we know what's down there. we did the loading' and unloadin' when the stuff came ashore in the early days. a direct hit oughta do more than a few weeks worth o' damage. datura. datura metel. the devil's trumpet. don't worry. i ain't goin' religioso again. it's a flower that grows on these islands. where i come from the voodoo priests used it whenever they needed a mickey finn. it's toxic. ground up you can put it in a drink or inject it. or. in a sealed area it might be introduced through the ventilation system. we always planned to use it. we got some ground up already. but we could never find enough. quicker than gas. and it smells a lot prettier. it usually don't kill but it puts ya under fer a good night's sleep. i say it's poetic. pure calypso, brother. the devil's trumpet blowin' the notes o' doom for the devil's troops. ha ha ha ha ha. we're only about a quarter-mile from cave entrance number five. come on. let's go. just stand guard for now. spell us after a while. can't breathe this grass too long or somebody hafta carry you home. well. if ya think about it. we as ready as we ever gonna be. how was they carryin' the nitro, lukey? what you wanna do? what is it? damn you, island. damn you ta hell and worse! satan ain't sent this man back. not yet, anyway. so we all hopin' that maybe he's up there with you, lord. this might be the first decent soul we been able ta offer ya in quite a few years. that's a fact. we just gonna. pray, lord. we gonna pray that what seems ta be happenin' here. is really happenin'. and i'm gonna take the chance and speak these words that i ain't been able ta speak for so long. just me. i'll take the next shift. Forever, darlin'. Forever. 'Til he turns ta dust and blows away on the wind.