bury the head. call the guard for the rest. get it off the table for now. we'll bring this new one in. what is it? god. it's almost sun-up. who are you? who are you? how do we know she's alright? how do we know? how do we know she's alright? how do we know? i have looked bad for four years. everyone in the world has looked bad for four years. thank god looks don't matter as much as they once did. how do we know she's alright? how do we know? take it away from me. quickly. take it! take it! sorry. i'm sorry. i'll, er. i'll be alright. in a moment. it's my fight as much as yours. the things they made me do. the things they made. me. do. i want so see rhodes destroyed. i want to see all of them, all of them destroyed. it's my duty. in the eyes of god. in the eyes of god. if we don't get out it's a small price to pay. sinners! animals! filth! doing the work of the devil! we know what we must do. it's written for us in the bible. "they shall be driven from the land of the living down to the world of the dead. that is the fate of those who care nothing for god." i know it hurts. but it won't be long. then all the pain will be over. oh, i wish you could hear me. god, give her the ears to oh, yes. quiet. yes. we must be quiet. fallen angel! this is the judgement day when you will burn for your sins! the lord the pain of hell. the pain. the pain. enough! enough! enough! enough! it's alright, it's alright, my dear. you've simply helped us do the lord's work. god forgive us. forgive us the pain we inflict as surgeons. we'll be in heaven, child. soon. we'll be with him in heaven. no you don't i can't let you do that! i can't! hmmmmmm? oh, yes. go on. we'll be in heaven soon. we'll all be in heaven soon. pain. god forgive the pain inflicted by surgeons. we must atone. we must atone for our sins. we must. atone. we must.