you'll get used to this, tyler. it's the only way. they don't bite the hand that feeds. get that thing away from the others! bring it here! we have visitors. let's go men. hah! if only the rest of you ladies would obey orders the way they do. that's it, you worm-eaten slime ! you foul- smelling, puss-faced maggots! i told you i'd find you real action, didn't i? you corruption! you filth! you're learning! spread out, men! open fire! take his weapon, tyler. take his gun, ass hole. he still has the strength to pull a trigger. maybe. we'll have a little talk first. then. maybe. i can help you out. string him up. they can handle it, tyler. you've been buckin' for a shit detail lately so here's one you're gonna love. we've got two dead. cut the heads off and get the bodies underground to the refrigerators. fast. it's a hot day. tyler. just our men. not him. his head stays where it is. he and i never really had the chance to get acquainted. when he comes back. i'll get another shot at it. ha ha ha ha. and if i don't? if i don't you'll come back after your death. you'll come back and find yourself hanging there. wanting to eat. needing to eat human flesh. you hate that thought, don't you? that's the ultimate sin for most of you fools, isn't it? after hanging up there a few days you will be mad for food. crazed! you will lust for it! you will be worse than any of them! i'll bargain with you. how many of you are on the island? i don't believe you, rebel. where are your headquarters? on the mainland? where are your headquarters, rebel? tell me or i'll let you hang there forever. forever! then why did you come here? how did you know we were on this island? do others know? will others come? where are you going, tyler? no time for that. i'll take care of them. i said, i'll take care of them. just leave them there. go help with the rest of the gear. who fired that shot? who fired that shot? goddammit, somebody's gonna tell me who fired that shot or i'll have every last one of you chopped up for feed!!! step up here, tyler. you fired that shot, didn't you? let me see your weapon. it's been fired. it may be that none of these chicken-shits will talk while the whole troop is present. but i know some of these men well. i'm sure that a few private conversations will tell me what i already know. you may have earned yourself some time in the stalag, tyler. cut him down. that's another head for you to chop off. leave it with the others. take the rest of his body down to the freezers. move it, shit hill. take it, friend. take it. it's a present. from me to you. just remember who gives you favours. well, bub. i've heard about you. miss henried's pride and joy. surly sonofabitch. i want to make friends, bub. friends. i have one more goodie in my sack here. come, come, miss science. you've seen worse. god has damned us all. are my atrocities worse than yours? no wonder they're so. hungry. any dead whose brains are intact will revive. they are brutes without feeling. though i admit that i've requested cremation for myself. burial is an archaic tradition, even more ridiculous now than it ever was. to say nothing of the. spacing problem. on a small island like this. the purpose of decapitation is to preserve as much. food. as possible. the purpose for feeding is to keep the beasts on our side. the fact that they can be taught to clean up our garbage or to fire a gun is a convenient side benefit, not the primary goal. the primary goal is to keep ourselves from becoming their supper. keep them fed and they behave. keep them hungry and they revert back to being the animals that they have always been. you saw them in there. they will never be satisfied with anything else, miss henried. they want human flesh. i'm prepared to take whatever steps are necessary to see to it they don't get mine! not while i'm still using it! you can't run away from the planet, miss science. you can't even run away from the island, heh heh. and you're the one who builds the bomb and they says, 'i hope it'll never actually be used'. oh, i have no doubt. ah, yes, our noble gasparilla does seem to favour you lately. i understand he assigned you a roommate of your choice. the rest of us have to pick names out of a hat. maybe you'll change your mind when it starts getting too lonely for you. i'm not entirely without influence myself, miss science. i had your roommate assigned. by gasparilla. to my platoon. what's his name? tyler? yes. toby tyler. i had an unfortunate little run-in with him today. in fact. you might say that mr. tyler is in big trouble with the. authorities. no, miss science. you're the one who needs to do some thinking. sir. in the matter of the state versus private tyler, i don't want to. i don't want to take up a lot of time with this. mr tyler shot a prisoner against orders. there are eyewitnesses. i've reprimanded tyler and i've had him sent outside. it's as simple as that. the prisoner was dying, sir. tyler acted out of a sense of mercy. i don't believe tyler to be dangerous, general. he just needs. discipline. two or three months outside will teach him. discipline. reveille! reveille! rise and shine! we found two white bees in the jungle with their heads chopped open. i want to know who's going outside the compound. i want to know how they're going out. i want to know why they're going out. until i get these answers. each morning. some of you will die. don't be alarmed. we're impregnable. stay where you are. nothing will happen to any of you. you're safe here. men. this way. over here! shoot! shoot them! shoot to kill! in the head! henried! where are you going? stop them! shoot! after them then! i want them stopped! that woman is dangerous! shoot it open!