my"detail", sir. we're going to bury the heads. just. following procedure, sir. they're entitled to burial. sir! no, sir. in the battle, sir. hey. slow down. what is it? that bastard. i didn't think he'd make his move so fast. oh, bullshit, mary. it's because rhodes is a prick. we're both gonna leave. leave the island. i've been talkin' to tricks. we think we can smuggle out one of those inflatable rafts. they're crated up real small. they've got air canisters. there's food inside. even a little motor. need what? civilised order like we have down here? christ! for the good of mankind. that's what every monster-maker says. we're gettin' out. me and tricks. i want you to come with us. i want that more than anything. i'll send word. i'll let you know a time and a place to meet. we probably won't be able to wait around so if you're not there on the dot. well. if you're not there, i'll know you're not comin'. i don't know what they're gonna do to me. i figure they'll just send me out to stalag seventeen but if. if it's worse than that. tricks will know. stay in touch with tricks. yes. mary. mary! i'll be alright. just remember the things i said. take care of yourself. it's alright. i'm a friend. i need help and so do you. what's a safe place to talk? look. i know you have no reason to trust me. i've got friends in the cave. i got some stuff comin' out this mornin'. i'm gonna try to get off the island. i'm gonna have this stuff sent over to the hospital. yeah. my stuff's all marked with red crosses so nobody gets too nosey. meet me at the hospital after the supplies come in. maybe we can find a place there to talk. hey, tricks. some detail they got you on. what'dya get? we need fuel, and a couple automatics. he's my contact for chrissake! there's two crates. can you get me into the hospital? there ya go. complete with air canisters. little motors. what? i got some fuel comin' out and, i hope, some automatic rifles. it won't work. that's pure nitro you're dealin' with there. that stuff can blow if you look at is funny. what're you gonna do, walk into the cave carryin' those tubes on feather pillows? you don't have a complete layout of the place. even if you manage to avoid a fight you won't know where to go. oh, no. i'm tryin' to get off this island alive. i'll help you all i can but i'm not goin' in there on a suicide mission. what can you hope to accomplish? some radios maybe? a supply room or two? you'll all be killed and in a few weeks they'll be back to business as usual. that place was built to withstand nuclear attack! what are you gonna do with a half-dozen guns and a few sticks of nitro? what? a direct hit'll blow the top off this whole island! how're you gonna fuse the stuff? how're you gonna leave yourself time to get out? you're fuckin' out of your minds! there's two hundred people down there. you gonna murder two hundred people? what about the people here in the camp? if they don't get blown to kingdom come their food'll be destroyed, their water, medical supplies. they won't have any more power. this island can't support them all, they'll be doomed. count me out, friends. i'm gonna get my ass outa here. anybody wants to come along is welcome. i wanna see rhodes burn just a much as you do. but all those people. we don't have the right to be their judges. just like they don't have the right to be our judges. this stuff really works? no shit? if you could knock out the central communications room you could foul up their whole intercom system. then, if you move fast enough, stay ahead of 'em. without bein' able to signal each other, they might have a hard time catchin' you. that entrance is closest to the labs and the bee cages. maintenance shafts run behind all the main rooms. nobody's in those at night. you can use them to get around in. hit the power governors first. kick a surge into their computer network and you erase everything stored in the memory. then. over in here. that's where the cages are. jesus! they're gonna try to do it! they're goin' in! they got somebody to help 'em from the inside! i gotta get mary out. tricks. we gotta go now! tonight! right away! they what? okay. lemme have 'em. that's the general alarm. jesus! they musta got in! come on! come on, mary. answer. answer! tricks, it's tyler. we're inside. no. there's some loonies from outside. they're gonna try to blow the powder magazine. find mary. if you can get help do it. we're gonna hit the power station and haul-ass outa here. we'll be at exit five. that's exit five in exactly ten minutes. and mary! you gotta find mary! tricks. jesus. come on. no time. come on. there's no time. there's no time to lose.