another dead place. i tol' you. let's get out to the islands. not from the city. in every city it's the same. dead. let's get out to the barrier islands. if there are survivors sending those signals that's where we'll find them. ptoooo! nothing! dry as a bone. no gas. let's get outa here. i tol' him. i tol' him this is a dead place. like all the others. pull in! get the others. aaaaaaah. my god. my god. i am heartily sorry. for having offended thee. offended thee. i detest all my sins. because. because of thy just punishment. because of thy. just. punish. but most of all because. they offend thee, my god. who art all good. and deserving. deserving of all my love. i firmly resolve. with the. with the help. the help of. of thy grace.