helmut, darling, are you all right? i was so worried about you. your dinner is cold and i couldn't imagine what happened to you. sweetheart, i care about you. i love you. i worry about you. i can't help those feelings. helmut. what's tormenting your soul? please let me help you. talk to me. i don't care what it is. i love you. i'm your friend. you can trust me to understand. i'm not anybody! i'm your wife! schmidt again? gustav again? when will you learn they fear you and they know how vulnerable you are now. if they can beat you down then they needn't worry about you coming back to haunt them. but they can't take your talent away. that's your strongest force! by not quitting. you must fight! creative survival is even more difficult than human survival. you must fight!!! go to schmidt. force a confrontation. don't let gustav win. make schmidt see what an injustice they are imposing on you. please, my love, fight! make your world better by fighting for it. you can do it. i know you can. go, my love. go and fight for what you know is right. i will warm your dinner and wait for you to come home. excuse me, sir, but i wonder if you would help me. you see. you don't understand. helmut ! go away !!