the guard starts for the door, satisfied with the arrangements. as he gets the door open, helmut runs over to catch him before he makes his exit. shooting over the men onto the door, entering is the same guard that was just there. this time he enters with two more prisoners carrying their bunks. one of them is josef galt, a burly bully like man, who knows all the tricks of survival, and ernst uhlmann, a think little man with a face like a weasel. they follow the guard into the barracks proper. the four men: ludwig, adolf, franz and herman stay with galt, as does the stout prisoner. they are clustered around galt. helmut gets to the guards hut. he looks into the window, and sees the guard he wants. sitting at his desk eating off a tray that has a meal fit for a king on it. including the "doilies". wine, and a steak that would satisfy six men in barracks h. helmut looks around to be sure no one notices him and slowly slips up to the front door of the shack and knocks on the door. keltner moves towards helmut to wake him. shooting over the men placing helmut in the very deep b.g. as we see the four new prisoners walk over to watch the action. shooting across the prisoners in f.g. toward the new fence. guards move among the men, herding them into lines. on the other side of the fence, we can see the new arrivals lining up, being prodded into place by guards. shooting through the booted, outspread legs of a soldier guard in f.g. toward the line of prisoners behind him. one woman holds a child of about three who cries inconsolably. shooting past the line of prisoners in f.g. to the guard, who has paused to let his words sink in. as helmut joins them and holds out his bowl of bread and mush to the big prisoner. shooting past helmut and group and in f.g. toward the main yard, where we see galt and uhlmann approaching. during the ensuing dialogue, galt spots helmut, nudges uhlmann and together they come toward him. shooting past helmut in f.g. toward the guard, ss men, and soldiers, who have come through the line of spectators and stand glowering at him. the prisoners have moved back, warily watching for the next move.