heil hitler. come in. oh, stand at ease. and, close the door. i don't have to tell you why your commandant was relieved of his command here. this prison is a disgrace. disgrace! the latitude allowed by him will not be tolerated by me. understand? that includes the staff. i'm going to turn this place into a model prison, a credit to the reich. understand? speak up. this isn't the first prison the ss has had to take over from the military. military men are too soft to deal with those. scharff starts to speak but quickly changes his mind. you were about to say something? good! our first order of business is to prepare. our first order of business is to prepare all non-aryan prisoners for shipment in two weeks. work camps. i'm aware of that. this order covers only the adult prisoners over fifteen. we won't have to wet nurse the children for long. other plans are being made for. what is that? what is that supposed to be? a show! is this a prison camp or a traveling circus! am i correct in assuming that those children are on the non-aryan side of the camp? and the. buffoon? a german? am i to believe you aren't aware of the general order absolutely forbidding fraternization? close the window. just what do you think fraternization means, lieutenant scharff ? how long has this been going on? and the commandant approved? this clown! who is he? not his clown name, you idiot. his number. his identification. later. right now i want these performances halted. understand? immediately! yes. yes. yes, i understand perfectly. however, i don't see how we can be held responsible. our orders were very clear. we were to have the freight car ready to be picked up at midnight. of course, i'm aware the operation must be kept secret. i just don't have the staff to send down there now and. yes, i'll wait. the freight car wasn't picked up. some stupid mix up. if they think. yes, general. yes, i'm as distressed about the situation as you are. yes. personally! immediately! yes, general. you can leave it in my hands. heil hitler! who did you leave in charge down there? apparently not reliable enough. the cargo seems to be raising quite a fuss. i know. i know. but the siding isn't far from town. the general doesn't want unauthorized persons getting curious. understand? men! you'll get yourself down there. and take at least a dozen guards with you. don't let anyone get close to that boxcar. under any circumstances. no one ! use any method you can, but shut them up. that's an order. out of the question. the man's being disciplined for that very thing. we can't change our position now. he'd know. a man who wants something. good. very good strategy, lieutenant. however, when you bring him back here, return him to solitary and keep him there. i've seen the best of men, after several years in solitary, unable to remember even their own names. permission granted.