we might as well be outside. what is it? it's a god damn posie! it's one of them potato things. and it sure as hell is sick! no, we don't want to do that. we might break someone's heart. whose little plant is this? is it now? tell me precious. do you knit, too? what do you think of that, uhlmann. he knits! can you cook, sweetheart? alright, old man, you really want it? go get it!! what? you're my size! he's alright. that'll teach him to keep his nose out of my business. here's your plant! go on, little man, reach for it! sure, here's your stupid flower or whatever you call it. what's the matter with you guys? can't you take a joke? hell, all i was doing was trying to have a little fun. what's so special about him? well, how the hell was i supposed to know? you and your posies. where were you when i need you? aw, shut up! reverend? well, reverend, what do you think? would a little belly-dancing be too much for the boys? a clown? who's a clown?? can't? did i hear you say you can't? now, me and these. gentlemen. we don't expect you to do your "act", just a little something that'll give us a laugh, that's all. wait a minute, you guys. show people have to be in a mood. play a little music, like in a circus. there! ain't that nice? don't it put you in a mood? yeah, that drunk thing. that does sound funny. hey. are you trying to fool us? stay out of this, reverend. we're not doing anything. we just want him to join in the fun. we need you to give us a laugh. so. try! stay out of it, reverend! your public is calling, clown. now, clown! he was showing us some of his funny clown falls. what the hell. ? jews! he's the one we can thank for the diet. what'd you say now, mr. doork, almighty! last night he wouldn't give us a laugh. today they won't give us food. we've decided doork here is going to keep us laughing so hard we won't be able to hear our stomachs growling. and do it now, clown. no more stalling. and be sure it's funny. you make us scream. scream with laughter. or i'll tear you to shreds on the wire. doork the great. why should he give it to a jew clown? right, kid? what's the matter with you bastards anyway? all he ever did for us was cause trouble, but for them. . he can't do enough. i say he's one of them. that's where he belongs. if it wasn't for them. we wouldn't be in here. supply and demand, reverend. supply and demand. and what's more, we never charged for children. never. who says so? all right! i was just asking.