tsk! tsk! tsk! shame on you, doork. shame. don't you want to grow big and strong like me? we must eat our food! do we want uncle to feed the little man? and now one for aunt ada. let go, doork, let go. it's the soup that makes us big and strong. not the spoon. let it go! now let's try it again. i said let's try it again. oh, i know why you're unhappy. soup without bread is terrible. isn't that better? now take some soup. i'm surprised at you, doork, you've been here two years now, you should have learned we, of the third reich, never acknowledge the weak, sniveling, begging of you swine. that's all you're good for. begging. pleading. praying. you're a disgrace to the human race. that's why we of the superior race must do away with all of you. and we will! we will! do away with all of you. you're worthless pigs. with no courage, no guts, why if anyone did to me what i just did to doork i would kill him! why don't you kill me, doork? go on. kill me. kill me. take the knife from the table and kill me. your release? release? they told me you were funny. but i never realized just how funny you are. release ???? attention ! all the prisoners from the other side of the camp are being moved over to this side of the camp over to this side of the camp. barracks "h" will make room for three additional bunks. i want all the bunks moved down toward the far end. get them as close together as possible. now! get moving! you! you down there at the end. get those bunks right up against the wall. hurry it up! come on, get moving! get them close. you're all going to be nice and cozy in here. they'll have to wait! attention ! with a little luck, you'll both get pneumonia! come in! what the hell are you doing here? who gave you permission to leave your quarters? are you some kind of privileged character? then what are you doing out of the barracks? i have a stupid mouth? the volume of your voice isn't the issue. it's what comes out of your mouth that disturbs me. maybe you need a little lesson in respect and courtesy. and maybe i've been a little too soft with you. you see, doork, i knew why you came in here. i knew why you left your barracks without permission. it's just that i hadn't heard you mention your release papers for so long i had hoped i could hear you begging once more. i'm sorry, i'm sorry. you're a sorry specimen of a human being. that's what you are. now, i will help you to your quarters, herr doork, here you will stay, and pray for release papers that may, or may not, ever come. now, get inside where you belong and don't ever let me catch you doing anything without permission again. reverend! if you don't watch that idiot, we may have to get him a keeper! reverend, let him sleep. you move out, i'll take care of this. you are a sick looking group of things. i can't even call you human. because you're not. you're all lice. dismissed! doork! move it out, and on the double!! what is going on here? on your feet! because of all the noise coming from in here -- i have been called up front to explain. i don't like to be called up front. i don't like to have to explain. and, you might not like it, either. back to your bunks, all of you. turn out the lights, and keep it quiet ! all right. all right, move. hurry it up. move. prisoners from barracks h remain in line. barracks h will remain in line. i said last night i didn't think i would enjoy being called up to account for the noise coming from barracks h. i can tell you this morning i didn't enjoy it. i don't know what caused the trouble last night, but i'm not blaming you entirely. i failed you. i should have seen that you all have much too much energy for the confined life you lead here. we're going to correct that. i've been told that energy comes from food. so. to help you. all rations are canceled for the next. forty-eight hours. and, if that doesn't quiet you down, i'll think of some other ideas you'll like even less. i'm going to make this barracks the quietest in the camp. is that clear? now, don't blame me. i didn't start the trouble last night. fall out. what? no papers. that's all. show's over. everybody clear out. get back to the barrack. you heard me. show's over. go on. get away. move, damn it, before i come over there and. get them moving before somebody gets hurt. get inside and take that stuff off your face. orders. no more shows. that's right. the commandant thinks you are. the new commandant. he minds. you know the rule. no mixing with jews. look, it's not my order. it's the commandant's. now do what i tell you and save yourself a lot of grief. you wouldn't listen, would you? go on. get back. you back there, get them out of here.