he hears you, my son. here, here, easy, you can't do this to yourself. you have nothing to be sorry for. fear isn't something controlled by man. fear can not be conferred with. there isn't anyway known to mankind where man can say to himself. "i will not be afraid". oh, certainly man can try to fight it. but faith and believing are man's only chance. you must have faith. you must! but that's natural. you can't expect to be perfect in what you try to do. i heard what happened at breakfast this morning with rothman, the guard. nothing, absolutely nothing. don't worry about it. i just wanted you to know that i believe you handled yourself admirably. of course you didn't. but i'm sure you know man laughs for two reasons. one because something is funny. two, because they fear showing fear. they laughed because "there but for the grace of god go i!" i'm certain of it! i'm glad, helmut, i'm very glad. you know you can always talk to me, about anything. how many times since you've been here, have you filled out forms? twenty? thirty times?? yes, my son, it is a good sign. isn't it strange? they are free to go anywhere they want, and they come here to nest. watch the birds eat, helmut. it's so cute. helmut ! you're not a religious man, are you, helmut? not sure i am myself anymore. yet. when i see those birds, i wonder. were they sent here to let us know this place really isn't god forsaken? not on your life. er, that is. i wouldn't. do you see the way it's sprouting. i told you it wasn't completely rotten. about four weeks ago, i think. i'll put it up here on the window sill, it'll get the morning sun. this moving men around has undoubtedly kept him very busy. don't worry, he'll bring them. of course i will. i've seen you around the yard, but the others. no, no. it's got to be something else. otherwise they would have left the bunks. that many women? the plant is mine! if necessary, i can. and i do ! if necessary, i can cook, yes! now, if you don't mind, i'll take that plant! thank you. that was really very nice of you, helmut. helmut, helmut, how could you think of doing such a thing? i begged you not to irritate him. and that i would ask him about your papers. that wasn't smart, helmut. not smart at all. as a matter of fact. a little fun is what we need. so. if you'll all hold the noise down, i'll join in. leave him alone! it doesn't have to be anything special. a little dance, maybe? that's enough, leave him alone! that was not the time, believe me! hurt much? you've never done anything for them! the men would have appreciated it. what is it? oh, i'd say you've convinced most. however -- there is one you haven't convinced. you, helmut. you! misery loves company. looks like they're going to deny us even that. helmut, don't. when this blows over, helmut, we'll. don't start anything here. we're in enough trouble. do something, karl. for god's sake, do something. don't tell us. tell him. no? chalk. says he can mash it into a powder and put it on his face. from a guard. a very bad nazi. still has a heart. ask him. finally got it. isn't that what you wanted? for a moment there you had me worried. i thought he would kill you when he saw what you had done to his shoes. give in, franz. you know he's going to talk you out of it again. if he were, he'd be over there so that was it! counterfeit papers. i can imagine the prices. i've been meaning to ask you. heard anymore about the request for a review of your case? never thought of that. the children certainly enjoy it. you call this being alone? who? the adults? i thought the smart clown only played to the adults. i've been expecting it. because of the laughing. when you rule by fear, laughter is the most frightening sound in the world. they'll get over it. disappointment is no stranger to those children. i'm sure they have. it's amazing how a thing like this can feed off itself. think how lucky we would be if we could do that. fine. we've been all over that before. you've got to stop thinking about them. it's too hot in here. i'm going to get some air. there's nothing you can do. but forget. they're children, helmut. you can't expect them to understand the madness of adults. you go near that fence once again. and you're taking your life in your own hands. you know that as well as i do. i'm going to ask you a question, helmut, and i want you to think carefully before you answer. the reason you can't get them out of your mind -- is it because you need them -- for you audience? i want the truth. you'll be taking a chance. a great chance. all right! come on then. you want to talk to the children? well, i think i can help you. reason? when war is waged against children! that is reason enough for the whole damn world to get involved. and it will, believe me, it will. so, come on, doork the great, let's start getting involved. wait here. you know what to do? stay behind the men and keep an eye out for the guards on the other side. make it quick. you won't have much time. and helmut, keep the children quiet. we don't want trouble. the children! not in front of the children!