close the door, and wait out there. you're a remarkable man. very remarkable. have you any idea where you are? auschwitz. this is auschwitz. mean anything to you? you may have observed we're enlarging our facilities. still a great deal of work to be done. it's going to be our most efficient, most modern prison. and, i might add, most unique. yes, you are a remarkable man. i always wonder about remarkable men. why did you come here? ah, yes. an accident. unavoidable i suppose. the commandant! i've spoken to your commandant. he hs you listed as an escaped prisoner. it was an accident. are you one of them, clown? you misunderstand completely. the judas goat is never killed. he isn't worth killing. i'm just asking you to lead them. not. even to save your own life? i'm glad to see you're not a self- appointed martyr. just think! now you're really one of us. yes. yes, of course. i can give you about half an hour. you see, we're not heartless men here.