as the new prisoners make up their bunks and arrange their belongings, the regulars of barracks h, among them adolf, ludwig, herman and franz, begin moving towards them to meet them. keltner turns to the new white-haired prisoner whose bunk is directly next to his. uhlmann in his surveying the barracks spots the potato plant on the window sill. next to the stout prisoner's bunk. he jumps from his bunk and runs over towards the plant. he takes it from the window sill and yells over to galt. helmut watches the guard go, then, dejectedly, shuffles toward his barrack. as he nears it, keltner, franz, adolf, herman, ludwig, and the other regulars intercept him. the older girl we saw earlier calls to him in a hushed voice. shooting past helmut to the door as it opens, revealing the sergeant, his face expressionless. helmut reacts. almost reluctantly, helmut stands aside. he tries to smile, but the result is almost grotesque. he tries to speak, but no words come. the sergeant and the guard drift up toward him, scowling. gently, helmut tousles the hair of little willie and steers him through the door into the room. the other children follow him hesitantly. helmut puts the harmonica to his lips and begins playing again.