thank you, captain. you wrote this? not yet. that's why i wanted to see you. yes -- that will reproduce the first- order terms. but what about the effect of the other terms? how can you be so sure? have you tested this theory? as though unsure of what he's heard) yes -- yes, i have. you can go now, captain. please thank general cutler and tell him -- tell him that i know this gentleman. it isn't faith that makes good science, mr. klaatu. its curiosity. sit down, please. i have several thousand questions to ask you. that was my first question. yes -- that is true. if you mean that you are afraid of us-- these other planets -- do they have peace and security? we scientists understand this. even we primitive scientists. what exactly is the nature of your mission, mr. klaatu? would you care to be more specific? i gather that your efforts on the official level were not entirely successful. what -- what sort of action do you mean? would you be willing to meet with the group of scientists i am calling together?. perhaps you could explain your mission to them, and they in turn could present it to their various peoples. it is not enough to have men of science. we scientists are too easily ignored -- or misunderstood. we must get important men from every field. educators -- philosophers -- church leaders -- men of vision and imagination -- the finest minds in the world. you'd have no objection to revealing yourself at this meeting? what about your personal safety in the meantime? what about the army -- and the police? i'm afraid i can't offer you any real protection. i have no influence in cases of inter-planetary conspiracy. one thing, mr. klaatu. suppose this group should reject your proposals. what is the alternative? such power exists? the people who came to the meeting must be made to realize this. they must understand what is at stake. you mentioned a demonstration of force-- would such, a demonstration be possible before the meeting? something that would dramatize for them and for their people the seriousness of the situation. something that would affect the entire planet. i wouldn't want you to harm anybody -- or destroy anything. maybe a little demonstration. thanks -- i'm enjoying it right here. what a brilliant idea. i never would have thought of it. what about the people who are coming to the meeting tonight? have they all arrived? good. did you speak to our friend mr. carpenter? tell me, hilda -- does all this frighten you -- does it make you feel insecure? that's good, hilda. i'm glad. call it off? i. but i had permission from the army-- ladies and gentlemen-- i called you from your work and from your homes all over the world because we were to meet here tonight with a man from another planet -- the man who came here in this ship. as you all know, this is no longer possible. i can only say that i share the bitterness of your disappointment. --under the circumstances, the army people have asked us to leave the building. and, since their concern is for our safety, i can do nothing but suggest that we comply--