hey, mom -- who's that? are you an fbi man? bet he is, mom. bet he's out looking for that space man. can i help you look for the space man? can i? i know what he looks like! he's got a square head -- and, three great big eyes! gee -- i don't know. the space man, i guess. well -- professor barnhardt, i guess. he's the greatest scientist in the world. sure. right near where my mother works. department of commerce. she's a secretary. they have a man they call the secretary, but he isn't at all. my mother's a real secretary. mr. carpenter -- now can we go see the space ship? boy, i'll bet he's strong. i bet he could knock down a whole building. gee, i'd like to get inside and see how it works. what do you think makes it go? i thought that was only for bombs. you think it can go faster than an f- 36? about a thousand miles an hour? gee! how could they make a landing? you think they'll ever find him? mr. carpenter -- what does velocity mean? i'll bet that's the way professor barnhardt talks. you're just kidding, aren't you? well, sure i would, but -- aw, i'll bet you'd be scared. i like you, mr. carpenter. you're a real screwball. gee -- maybe he isn't home. betcha this is where he works-- what does that mean? bet he's the only one in the world knows the answer. we probably couldn't get to see him even if he was home. hey -- where you going? that's my father. he was killed at a place called anzio. sure. didn't you ever hear of arlington cemetery? mr. carpenter" -- you don't seem to know about anything. is it different where you've been? don't they have places like this? gee -- that's a good idea. go to the movies. no foolin'? will you? i've got some money. my mother gave me two dollars. gee -- those look like diamonds! bet they're worth about a million dollars. well, sure, but-- okay. let's not say anything to my mother about this, mr. carpenter. she doesn't like me to steal from people. yeah -- he's right inside. mr. carpenter--! come on in. hi mom! mr. brady's a cop. boy, we had a swell time. didn't we, mr. carpenter? we went to the movies -- and we had ice cream cones -- and we went to see daddy-- aw, gee -- we didn't finish our story. goodnight. mom -- why does mr. carpenter have to go down to the police station? we sure had fun today. we saw the space ship and we went to see professor barnhardt -- and-- yeah, sure. mom, do i have to go to school tomorrow? aw, gee, mom -- i had plans to play with mr. carpenter. thanks, mr. carpenter. okay. gee, why, mom? he's my best friend. and he's awful good in arithmetic. he even helps professor barnhardt. sure we did! he wasn't there but we went to see him. and mr. carpenter showed him how to do his arithmetic. mom -- is there something wrong with mr. carpenter? i mean -- on account of that policeman last night. you think he's a bank robber, maybe? or a gangster? goodnight. hey mom -- why would he want to be alone? yeah -- sure. it's a real boy scout flashlight. what do you want it for, mr. carpenter? i couldn't go to sleep, mom. i had to tell you! i followed mr. carpenter -- right after you left -- and, gee, mom, where do you think he went? right into the space ship! honest, mom, i saw him. it just opened up and he walked right in. and that great big iron man was moving around! no, i haven't, mom. i promise you. i saw it! on the lawn down at the mall -- in that place with the soldiers out front. that robot fella grabbed 'em and dragged 'em inside! i like mr. carpenter -- but i'm scared, mom. yes, i have! i'd never call you a liar. mr. carpenter's got a lot of diamonds. he gave me a couple of them. well, not exactly. i gave him two dollars. gee, mom, do you think maybe he's a diamond smuggler? oh, boy -- can i, mom? yeah -- the grass was kind of wet.