from inside him there comes an ominous crackling sound, as though power were being generated within him. his eyes flash toward the tank from which klaatu was shot. the crackling sound continues as his eyes start to sweep in a semicircle taking in all the troops. gort is an awesome and terrifying sight. his head is free now and he seems to be straining against the plastic, which is dripping down the sides of the block. the whirring sound is ominous and his body glows brightly. and his eyes are fixed on the two advancing figures. from inside him comes a new and terribly sharp crackling. sound. and from his eyes two pencils of light dart out. after a moment the crackling sound stops and the light goes off. he pauses as he hears the words. his face doesn't change expression, but the words obviously have an effect on him. he hesitates thoughtfully for a moment. he looks up at the roof of the building, and once again we hear the peculiar generating sound from within him.