is he all right? send for an ambulance. get him to walter reed hospital right away. we informed the white house over an hour ago. no, sir. i've just checked on that. he's locked up tight as a drum. attention, zone 5. yellow cab, moving north on b from ninth street. man and woman in back seat. get the license number and report. attention, zone 5. license number of target vehicle is w 4936. all vehicles maintain your positions -- and hold your fire. attention, zone 5 -- report when target vehicle passes your position. attention, zone 5. section number 2 -- block off tenth street at massachusetts. all vehicles close in. yes, sir, we've got the body here now. downstairs in a cell. no question about it, general -- he's dead all right. yes, sir. yes -- i understand. general cutler's coming down here right away. take a squad of men, lieutenant, and post a guard around that cell. captain, don't let anyone in or out of the building. i'm sorry, professor barnhardt -- i have to ask you to call off this meeting. i know you did. but the robots on the loose now and it isn't safe around here. you'll have to get your friends out of that building.