the landlady, a stern-faced woman of middle age, named mrs. crockett, rises nervously and crosses to the television set. including the doorway to the hall. silhouetted motionless against the light from the hall is the figure of a man. all eyes follow hobby's pointed finger, and there is a stifled gasp as they are startled out of their preoccupation. one of the men turns on the lights and klaatu is revealed standing calmly in the doorway. there is a shocked silence for a moment, then mrs. crockett speaks. as klaatu and bobby turn in surprise. standing in the open french doors is hilda, eyeing them with stern suspicion. as gort resumes breaking out of the plastic. there is no sign of the two soldiers. ignoring helen completely, gort finishes his work. then he moves to the door and goes out, closing the door behind him. helen rushes to the door and searches frantically for the knob -- only to find, to her terror, that there is none. frenziedly she beats on the solid metal door. gort fiddles with the dials again and there are electrical cracklings and sputterings. suddenly he flips a switch and all sound ceases. gort removes the electrodes and watches klaatu. camera moves in on klaatu and we see him start to breathe. in a moment his eyelids flutter. then his eyes open and he looks around.