general -- my name is harley -- secretary to the president i've been told that you speak our language -- that your name is mr. klaatu. the president asked me to convey his deepest apologies for what has happened. we all feel-- i'm sure i don't have to point out that your arrival was something of a surprise. had you been traveling long? you must have come a long way. naturally we're very curious to know where it is you come from. it's rather difficult for us to think of another planet as a neighbor. the present situation? we're very curious about that, too. would you care to talk about it? perhaps you'd rather discuss it personally with the president-- i -- i'm not sure i understand-- i'm afraid that would be a little awkward. it's -- it's completely without precedent. and there are practical considerations -- the time involved -- the enormous distances. you know about the united nations? you must have a rather strange impression of us. i'm sure you recognize from our broad- casts the evil forces that have produced the tension in our world. surely you would agree-- i was only hoping to make you understand. perhaps if you could explain a little-- we could call a special meeting of the general assembly. but of course the un doesn't represent all of the nations. believe me, you don't understand. they wouldn't sit down at the same table. i will make that recommendation to the president. i must tell you in all honesty that i'm extremely dubious about the results. i've been dealing in earth's politics a good deal longer than you have. goodnight, sir. afternoon, gentlemen. good afternoon. i'm glad to see you up and around. not very good news, i'm afraid. the president accepted your suggestion and cabled the invitations for a meeting last night. let me read you some of the replies. "the premier wishes to inform the government of the united states that it will be impossible for him to attend the meeting suggested by the president unless the meeting is held in moscow." "the suggestion of the president regarding the possibility of a meeting in moscow would be unacceptable to her majesty's government at the present time. representation could be sent only if the meeting were held in washington." well -- there you have it. i tried to make you understand. the suspicions -- the jealousies -- the mistrust-- surely you realize that my government has done everything in its power-- now that you understand the situation more clearly, perhaps you'd like to discuss the matter with the president our problems are very complex, mr. klaatu. you mustn't judge us too harshly. your impatience is quite understandable. i'm afraid my people haven't. i'm very sorry -- i wish it were otherwise. under the circumstances i'm afraid that will be impossible. i must ask that you don't attempt to leave the hospital. our military people have insisted on this. i'm sure you'll understand.