after an impressive moment, he raises his arms in the universal gesture of neutrality. then he speaks, in perfect english, his voice amplified as though through an enunciator. he has raised himself to a sitting position on the ground, his wounded shoulder giving him considerable pain. the two platoon leaders come into scene hesitantly, badly shaken by the awesome demonstration of power they have seen. they are uncertain as to what they should do. the platoon leader eyes the smashed object on the ground curiously and turns questioningly to klaatu. with great dignity, klaatu picks up the broken object, which we see well for the first time. it is a delicately-made tubular telescope, badly smashed. on it are indications of small electronic gadgets. scanning the side of the building, he sees what he's looking for. waiting until the jeep disappears, he starts toward one side of the building, keeping himself concealed in the foliage. as he leaves the concealing foliage and crosses the clear, grassy area surrounding the building. he stops and tries to see through the window. shooting on his back, as he finishes signaling and cuts off the flashlight. he turns ant starts back for the concealment of the foliage. he is a figure of intense dignity in his impressive otherworld tunic. he stares with even defiance at the armed soldiers, as though holding them off by sheer weight of his personality. he turns to look out at the audience, which is held spellbound. then, after a breathless moment, he speaks. camera moves slowly as he concludes quietly, incisively.