rumor has it, you did summer school. keen. meeks. door. closed. okay, study group. meeks aced latin. i didn't quite flunk english. so, if you want, we've got our study group. hmm, what's his specialty, boot-licking? that's not my fault. charlie dalton. oh yeah, sure. valedictorian. national merit scholar. it's every bit as tough as they say, unless you're a genius like meeks. and english, and trig. why doesn't he let you do what you want? okay, so i don't like it any more than you do. well i wouldn't lose much sleep over it. it's just a bunch of jerks trying to impress nolan. because he's in a hurry. come on cameron, don't you get anything? what? ooh! i'll second that. how was dinner? how was dinner? why? what happened? that guy could eat a football. did you see her naked? thigh man. mr. k was a hell-raiser. tonight? don't go. so don't come, please. no shit, sherlock. i'm in. pitsie, come on. except sex. what about you knox? come on knox, it'll help you get chris. women swoon. well, why don't you stay home? arrr, i'm a dead poet. guys, over here. god, are you trying to smoke us out of here? i'll second that. all right, intermission. dig deep right here. right here, lay it down meeks, put your coat down. picnic blanket. don't keep anything back either. you guys are always bumming my smokes. wait a minute, who gave us half a roll? come on. ha! the thing with the hand- i told you that one. when were you in six, last year? you want to hear a real poem? all right? no, i don't need it. you take it. i didn't memorize a poem. move up. teach me to love? go teach thyself more wit. i, chief professor, am of it. the god of love, if such a thing there be, may learn to love from me. abraham cowley. okay, who's next? meeks, meeks. to feel taller. give it to me! give it to me! "to indeed be a god!" congratulations. good for you, neil. good for you. attaboy, pittsie, inhale deeply. really? mine's got thirty. come on, knox. join in. what's wrong? knock it off. smoke your pipes. what do you say we start this meeting? gentlemen, "poetrusic" by charles dalton. laughing, crying, tumbling, mumbling. gotta do more. gotta be more. chaos screaming, chaos dreaming. gotta do more! gotta be more! my parents made me take the clarinet for years. i hated it. the saxophone. the saxophone is more sonorous. knoxious, you've gotta calm down. what are you gonna do? yes. say, yes. at chet danburry's house. well? so, you don't really think she means you're going with her? what is the point? yeah? exercising the right not to walk. yeah, this is it. go ahead, go on in. it's my cave. watch your step. hi, you guys. meet, uh, gloria and-- tina. this is the pledge class of the dead poets society. guys, move. move. come on, folks. it's friday night. let's get on with the meeting. guys, i have an announcement to make. in keeping with the spirit of passionate experimentation of the dead poets, i'm giving up the name charlie dalton. from now on, call me nuwanda. we gonna have a meeting or what? "shall i compare thee to a summer's day? thou art more lovely and more temperate." i made that up just for you. i'll write one for you too, gloria. she walks in beauty like the night. she walks in beauty like the night. of cloudless climes and starry skies. all that's best, dark and bright, meet in her aspect and her eyes. there's plenty more where that came from. that's part of what this club is about. in fact, i'd like to announce i published an article in the school paper, in the name of the dead poets. demanding girls be admitted to welton. so we can all stop beating off. i'm one of the proofers. i slipped the article in. why? nobody knows who we are. it's nuwanda, cameron. are we just playing around out here, or do we mean what we say? for all we do is come together and reach a bunch of poems to each other. what the hell are we doing? hey, would you not worry about your precious little neck? if they catch me, i'll tell them i made it up. welton academy. hello. yes, he is. just a moment. mr. nolan, it's for you. it's god. he says we should have girls at welton. one. two. three. four. five. no. i'm to turn everybody in, apologize to the school and all will be forgiven. damn it, neil. the name is nuwanda. creak. he started walking around towards my left. creak. creak. "assume the position, mr. dalton." mr. keating. you're siding with mr. nolan? what about carpe diem and sucking all the marrow out of life and all that? but i thought you'd like that. yeah. like what? aye, aye, captain. all right. go on. get out of here. cameron, you fool. hey, how'd it go? did you read it to her? nothing. what do you mean, nothing? what did she say? i know she had to say something. it's an indian warrior symbol for virility. makes me feel potent, like it can drive girls crazy. yeah, come on, guys. hey, there he is! hey, hey. he's good. he's really good. neil, neil, you were great. neil! neil! mr. perry, come on. is it okay if we walk back? captain? knox. todd? todd. neil's dead. todd. it's okay, todd. it's all right, todd. it's all right. it's alright. no! todd. leave him be. you told him about this meeting? that's it, guys. we're all fried. cameron's a fink. he's in nolan's office right now, finking. the club, pittsie. think about it. the board of directors, the trustees and mr. nolan. do you think for one moment they're gonna let this thing just blow over? schools go down because of things like this. they need a scapegoat. you finked, didn't you, cameron? you told nolan everything about the club is what i'm talking about. you little- he's a rat! he's in it up to his eyes, so he rattled to save himself. i'm out anyway! what's that mean? who are they after? mr. keating responsible for neil? is that what they're saying?