students enter keating's classroom, talking and acting up. keating glances out from his room off to one side. keating sits at his desk at the front of the classroom and opens up one of his books. keating is walking to the front of the classroom filled with students. the students are all seated together near the front of the room as keating reads from a book. the students are all back in their normal seats and keating leaps up onto his desk. knox stands at the front of the room with his poem in hand. keating and mcallister are enjoying tea in the small room off the classroom. mr. nolan knocks on the door and enters. keating walks from the front of the classroom to neil's desk. neil is the only student remaining in the class. keating sits by himself at his desk. after a moment he gets up and walks over to neil's desk. opening it, he finds his copy of "five centuries of verse" and flips through the first few pages. sitting down at the desk, he returns to the opening page, reading the opening verse written there. keating begins to sob, then closes the book. the students are all seated at their desks in silence. everyone looks as the door opens. they quickly stand as mr. nolan enters the room.