hey, how's it going neil? knox overstreet. yeah neil, tell him off. it couldn't get any worse. all right, all right, jesus. so what are you going to do? yeah, come along pal. hey spaz, spaz. spooky if you ask me. i can't make it guys. i have to have dinner at the danburry's house. friends of my dad's. they're probably in their nineties or something. yeah we'll see. ready to go sir. hi. knox overstreet. uh, dr. hager. this is the danburry's, right? mrs. danburry? yes. nice to meet you sir. he's great. he just did a big case for gm. huh? terrible. awful. tonight, i met the most beautiful girl in my entire life. she's practically engaged. to chet danburry. too bad? it's worse than too bad pitsie, it's a tragedy. a girl this beautiful in love with such a jerk. i can't just forget her cameron. and i can't think about trig. very funny dalton. what's the dead poets society? you mean it was a bunch of guys sitting around reading poetry? i don't know charlie. yeah? how? but why do they swoon? charlie, tell me why they swoon. charlie! yuck. an original piece. morose? great, neil. "to chris." i see a sweetness in her smile. blight light shines from her eyes. but life is complete; contentment is mine, just knowing that. just knowing that she's alive. sorry, captain. it's stupid. that's not funny. i can't take it anymore. if i don't have chris, i'm gonna kill myself. no, charlie. that's just my problem. i've been calm all my life. i'll do something about that. i'm gonna call her. she's gonna hate me. the danburrys will hate me. my parents will kill me. all right, goddamn it. you're right. "carpe diem." even if it kills me. hello, chris? hi. this is knox overstreet. she's glad i called. would i like to come to a party? well, sure. okay, great. i-i'll be there, chris. friday night at the danburrys'. o-okay. thank you. thank you. i'll see you. bye. yawp! can you believe it? she was gonna call me. she invited me to a party with her. yeah. so? well, of course not, charlie. but that's not the point. that's not the point at all. the point, charlie, is, uh-- that she was thinking about me. i've only met her once, and already she's thinking about me. damn it. it's gonna happen, guys. i feel it. she is going to be mine. carpe. carpe! hello? hello, chris? hi. no. but i-- no relation. never heard of him. sorry, guys. whoa, i, uh, i don't really drink-- to mutt. i don't really know mutt. to mighty mutt. will do. god help me. carpe diem. now, chet, i know this looks bad, but you've gotta- i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. chris! chris noel. do you know where she is? thanks. excuse me. chris. i came to apologize for the other night. i brought you these and a poem i wrote for you. i can't care. i love you, chris. look, i acted like a jerk and i know it. please, accept these. please. all i'm asking you to do is listen. the heavens made a girl named chris with hair and skin of gold. to touch her would be paradise. yeah. nothing. nothing. but i did it. seize the day! chris. what are you doing here? go ahead, guys. i'll catch up. chris, you can't be in here. i-if they catch you, we're both gonna be in big trouble. i didn't mean to make a fool out of you. i can't, chris. i love you. go ahead, captain. i'll walk. then you wouldn't be here warning me about chet. are you going with him? then come with me. come on, chris. just give me one chance. if you don't like me after tonight, i'll stay away forever. i promise. dead poets honor. you come with me tonight. and then, if you don't want to see me again, i swear i'll bow out. he won't know anything. we'll sit in the back and sneak away as soon as it's over. dead poets honor. my word. yeah, neil! don't touch him, charlie. you do and you're out. you don't know that, not yet. o captain! my captain!